well, i didn't really do much today. just some basic work on excel and some e-mail writings. nothing fancy. i guess this is still the "training" mode so he can't ask me to do anything difficult and if i finish and he's busy, there's nothing for me to do. 何か、前の図書館みたいにネットばっかりしてない自分に少し驚き。確かに最近家でもあまりネットしてないしね。代わりにずっと携帯小説読んでたね。ハマってます。but yea, there's a lot of free time to just do nothing. plus, i get an hour for lunch so that's also a lot of time.
commute is going to be hell tho. takes a little less than an hour to get to work. -__- 長いよね。運転疲れるなぁ。ugh. but i have no other choice. oh, and the stupid guy decreased my work hours and wages.... で、母にそれ言ったら、ブツブツ文句言われた。知らんし!自分がお勧めしたんだからいいじゃん。文句言うなら、直接雇い主に言ってくれ。バァーカ。はぁ。今日は色々と疲れた。
Currently listening to: Truth - 嵐
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