Kitchen Cabinets
man, tonight was spent building kitchen cabinets for the house from ikea with my dad. 建築会社に頼むとお金が要るから、自分達でやることに。ホント、ケチくさいとこ。
ま、それはいいとして、ほとんど父と二人でしたのだけど、一応母と姉と祖母もついてきた。意味無いのに…案の定、母はほとんど何もせず、文句ばかり。ugh. it's so annoying. she's of no use yet she insists on tagging along... she's just really annoying. and my dad. he insists on figuring out how all the pieces will fit before starting. だから、作り始めるまでが長い。いつまでも説明書とにらめっこ。バカみたい。。。if you just start the way ikea tells you to, it's really not too difficult. everyone just seems to love to make things time consuming. ま、でも、一応ひとつ作るのに、一時間ぐらいしかかからなかったけどね。ikea makes it really easy so it wasn't so bad.
in the end, we ended up making most of the cabinets and we'll be finishing up on sunday. そんなに時間かからないと思うけどね。早く終わらせないとね。
Currently listening to: Addicted to You - 宇多田ヒカル
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