初回限定版を予約しないと!!紀伊国屋、here i comeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Currently listening to: Hurry X'mas - L'Arc~en~Ciel
no, that is not me. i'm not that cute, unfortunately... :)
a beautiful nina ricci dress :)
now here's something you don't hear everyday: attempting a drive-by shooting with the windows rolled up. o_O
もう、どうひっくり返っても馬鹿だよね。he's stupid at the point that he attempted a drive-by. how much of a coward must you be? apparently, he was drunk too. -__- he was aiming for the house of his ex-girlfriend. 未練たらたらじゃん?女々しい。ホント、呆れる。
article here.
Currently listening to: 春夏秋冬 - Hilcrhyme