i was reading 「魔女は二度喘ぐ」no.2 by 北川みゆき and there was this part where the main character was like, 「よく映画や漫画でいとも容易く女の子はイクということができる。私はまっだイッたことがない」みたいなことを言っていた。and then, later on, one of her coworkers was like describing orgasms as kind of like a roller coaster. and i was like :O もしや私もまだイッたことはないのでは!? (気づけよって?笑)

seriously, if you never really experienced it, how are you supposed to know?? i mean, i've think i've somewhat orgasmed before, but maybe it's not that strong...? is that even a right measure?? わからん。是非ともジェットコースター並みのを味わってみたいものです。
Currently listening to: Hey there Delilah - Plain White T's
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