before deciding to go, i read a bunch of reviews on yelp. most said that the place was pretty good and the happy hour is awesome. there were quite a bit of complaints about the service. でも、ま、一応日本食だからそれほどひどくないだろうと期待していたのに、全然ダメだった。after we sat down at the table, it took a good 7-8 minutes for the waiter to come. どんだけ待たせるんだよっ!みたいな。and they seriously never came even once to refill water. しかも、めちゃめちゃ混んでた訳でもなく。どうなってるんですか??
and of course, most of the food was just eh. sorry, no pics, since it was dark and i didn't want the flash going off. but yea, it was probably a bit under mediocre. 何せ、味がついてるはずの物のほとんどがあんまり味しなかった。素材の味以外は。too bland. ugh. so yea, overall experience was not so great.
Currently listening to: Fur Elise - Ludwig van Beethoven
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