Ninja Assassin and Korean BBQ
last night, went out with the bestie and a couple of other peoples. don't like big crowds too much, but it was manageable. hehe. but yea, it was movie and dinner night. had some funnnnn :)
for the movie, we decided to watch Ninja Assassin. 彼の同僚が面白いって言ったから見に行こうってことになった。BUT! it wasn't that great... the story and plot were very superficial and stupid. -_____-x めっちゃ期待ハズレ。not something you'd want to spend $8,9 bucks on to watch in theaters. the main guy, Rain (a korean singer/actor) wasn't really that good lookin' either. it was just really gory. ま、アクションが好きならまぁまぁかも?でも、動きが早すぎて見終わったら頭痛くなった。本当に残念。
dinner was in koreatown. korean bbq! went to Hae Jang Chon Korean BBQ. all you can eat meat for $16.99. not too bad. and the food itself was pretty decent too. もうちょっとお肉に味が付いててほしいけど、、、plus, our waiter looked really tired and ヤル気ゼロ。dude, we were there for about 3 hours. lol. i'm sure the restaurant people wanted us out of there. each portion is pretty big and we ate like 12+ plates of meat. 超食べ過ぎた。ふ~と~る。それでなくても最近太ってきたのに。。。。ugh. too late now, i guess. but yea, ate like crazy. 後が大変ね。
Currently listening to: 声を聞かせて - BIG BANG
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