イギリス人と日本人のハーフなんだって~。だからかやっぱ歌唱力は抜群ね。8歳まで神戸で育ち、(関西!!めっちゃエエで~)18歳ぐらいまでイギリスで育った帰国子女。obviously, her english is really good. unlike most japanese singers who murder their songs by trying to sound hip using english. 頼むから、英語下手ならあんま使うな。(笑)
ま、でもまだ聞いたことがない人は是非とも聞いて欲しいですね。アップテンポで踊れる曲で~す♪ i am really looking forward to singing it at karaoke. hopefully, i don't butcher it with my horrible singing. haha
well, i'm a bit depressed right now so i might go to sleep soon. i was supposed to see my friends today but couldn't. もう、すぐ日程を変更するから、、、中々スケジュール調整が効かない...残念!
Currently listening to: F**k you and your money - MiChi