so, i had two weeks of pure fun! :) so, my friend in germany came back and i also had two weeks off work. だから、そのコと結構遊びましたね。遊んだと言っても、ほとんど映画やテレビ見ながらおしゃべりしたりしてただけだけどね。あっ!後、ちょっぴりセフレみたいになっちゃいました。>.< 彼がいいって言ってるからいいんだけどね。彼のエッチもいいけど、セフレ君とのエッチも結構...just that he seemed to have a hard time keeping it up. lol. なんか、知ってる(友達って意味)と変なんだって~。
anyways, the movies i watched: thor, little fockers, the dilemma, green hornet, true grit, no strings attached, defiance. i think that's all of them. all of them besides thor were redbox rentals. ほとんど面白かったよ。最近映画あんま見てないから楽しかったね。

aaaanddddd, LAS VEGAS!!! just came back yesterday. it was so much fun!! stayed at vdara, which is a pretty new hotel and really nice. the bf said trump was better. でも、結構ストリップの中心に位置してたから、場所的には良かったね。oh, and i won like $125 when i put in $20, so that was good! and i got a $50 marguerita. it was sooooo goooooood. and the bf paid for it. haha. 高いね。ありがと。
Currently listening to: 君って - 西野カナ
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