today is father's day. and what am i doing? chauffeuring my mom around... -___- 今日に限ってなんか、色々行くところが。we went to torrance and long beach. this is kinda how my day went:
first, we go bowling. left the house around 10. ボウリング場でたらもうすぐ12時ぐらいに。we head over to torrance cuz my mom wanted to go to omaha steaks for some sale they had. we eat lunch before going to the omaha steaks places since we were all pretty hungry. 久しぶりに近江ささやのうどんでした。絶品!and then, we go to omaha but they don't have what my mom wants. so she decides to go to their long beach store. -___- でも、その前にミツワとマルカイによってから行ったから、ロングビーチに着いたころにはもうすでに3時過ぎ。we did shopping some more and finally head home. by the time we get home, it's close to 5. 一日を無駄にした感たっぷり。*sigh*

i seriously need to move out...
Currently listening to: 瞳の住人 - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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