as a proud (?) U.S. citizen, i did my duty and served jury duty. in reality, it was boring as hell and i hope i never have to do it again. but that'll probably not happen. i hear once you get called, you'll be called in over and over. めんどくさいな。ホント超絶に暇だったんだもん。結局何もしなかったし。

so, i got selected as one of the prospective jurors for a trial. it took until the second day to get excused. その間、超暇。was able to get a lot of reading done tho. anyways, the trial was for an attempted murder. i actually saw the guy. もう、めちゃめちゃ若かった。少年法に値するんじゃないのかと思うぐらい。ま、罪が罪なだけに大人として扱われてるのかもだけどね。but yea, it felt a bit awkward. 何回か目が合った気がする。自分よりは絶対年下。こんな年でもう人生終わったなって感じ?ちょっとかわいそうだけど、本当にヤってたら、罪は償うべきだしね。
omg, serving jury duty is so inconvenient. parking is so far and the judges never begin things on time. you seriously have no clue when to be ready. at least i'm now good for a year.
Currently listening to: マル・マル・モリ・モリ! - 薫と友樹、たまにムック
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