仕事場で雨漏りです。well, i'm not sure if its rain water... but apparently, half our office is raining. lol. i think there's water coming from upstairs or something. 自分で見てないから分からないけどね。てか、今見てきましたぁ。すごいです。

there's so much water on the floor. and there's still water leaking so they've placed trashcans to catch the water. a lot of peoples' desks are dripping wet. 後片付けも大変だね。見ててちょっとかわいそう。。。i think someone said its the sprinklers that broke, or something like that. either way, it really bites. some of the ceiling has also come out. they're the tile-like things and i guess the water slowly ate away at them? 私のところは何とか大丈夫でした。
Currently listening to: She Ain't You - Chris Brown
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