今年のクリスマスもダーリンが欲しいものをくれましたぁ! it's the dvds for Chuck and Big Bang Theory!!!!! i love these two shows and really wanted them. thanks baby!!
Currently listening to: スパイス - パフューム
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
My First Car Accident
specifically, my first car accident involving another car. i've hit inanimate objects before (trash can, pillars in parking lots, etc.) but not another car. and this one was moving too. lol. 最初はビックリして、後はスッゲェむかついた。so, here's the story:
so, i was driving down a small street (one lane for each side of traffic and a center lane) and i was trying to make a right into a parking space for those parking spots that are on the street but kinda perpediculate to it. kinda like this ↓
Currently listening to: Tell Me Goodbye - BIGBANG
so, i was driving down a small street (one lane for each side of traffic and a center lane) and i was trying to make a right into a parking space for those parking spots that are on the street but kinda perpediculate to it. kinda like this ↓
で、ちゃんと指示器を出して、スピード落として曲がろうとしたのです。私の車って結構大きくて、小回りが利かないので、結構大きく曲がらないとダメなんです。so, since my hunk of minivan needed to make a kinda tight right turn, i slightly turned to the left and then started turning right. well, this fucked up old white lady behind me decided to pass me on the right even tho i was making a right turn and by the time i noticed and tried to brake, we were hitting. stupid old lady didn't even brake.... -__- 完全に向こうの責任。but no, bastard lady wouldn't admit fault. she was pissed too, which pissed me off even more. I HAD MY RIGHT TURN SIGNAL ON!! no way i'm at fault. she was trying to lecture me as to how it's my fault because i was in the center lane. i wasn't. she actually admitted that to the police that i called too. idiot... ホント馬鹿。墓穴ほってやんの。ま、こっちにとっては有利だったけど。to top it off, she didn't even have her insurance info on her... fucking retard. thank goodness i called the police.
this happened yesterday, on christmas eve... just great.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Winter Break
did you know the ucs get a month off for winter break this year!? wtf, we only got half of that... 超残念。ウチらがいたときもして欲しかった。ま、今の学生さんたちは学費も上がってるし援助は減ってるから、どっちもどっちか?
speaking of breaks and days off, this year, my company had 17 days off for holidays. next year, it's only 13.... *sigh* 4 days is a pretty big diff...こちらもまた、残念すぎる。なんだかなぁ。最近、暇で書く話題もないし。ツマラン人生だのぅ。
Currently listening to: Silent Night
speaking of breaks and days off, this year, my company had 17 days off for holidays. next year, it's only 13.... *sigh* 4 days is a pretty big diff...こちらもまた、残念すぎる。なんだかなぁ。最近、暇で書く話題もないし。ツマラン人生だのぅ。
Currently listening to: Silent Night
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Vegas, baby!
actually, it wasn't as exciting as i make the title sound. it's a bit misleading. でも、まぁまぁ楽しかったかな。おいしいものいっぱい食べれたね。スペイン料理にバイキング。満腹です。
the julian serrano restaurant in aria was marvelous!!!! sooooo delish :) would definitely go back again. i think i really love spanish food. haha. we actually went two nights in a row. で、バイキングにも2回行きましたね。ブランチに二回。ナンとカレーとか、スモークサーモンとか、オムレツとか、色々食べちゃいました。
Currently listening to: let me cry - Jang Guen Suk
the julian serrano restaurant in aria was marvelous!!!! sooooo delish :) would definitely go back again. i think i really love spanish food. haha. we actually went two nights in a row. で、バイキングにも2回行きましたね。ブランチに二回。ナンとカレーとか、スモークサーモンとか、オムレツとか、色々食べちゃいました。
i did eat a lot but i also lost a decent amount of money. lol. a bit over $200. oh wells, it was nice to gamble.
so, i drove to and back and man, was it quite tiring. especially bc my car is so sucky and heavy... seriously.... 坂道とか全然ダメ。スピードが落ちまくりです。but i was also able to try third gear for the first time. man, that thing is awesome!
overall, fun trip. wish it was with my honey tho... :(
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
we went to this one AYCE BBQ place in los felitz. Tangier Korean BBQ of Tokyo. どっちやねんってつこっみたくなりました。i mean, it was mostly a japanese bbq place. not really korean. i mean, they had ponzu as a dipping sauce... -__- not very korean, eh? ま、でもバンチャ(those small appetizer type dishes)は出たね。ビールも韓国のHITE飲んでたしね。
the meat itself was pretty good. i mean seriously, it was more like a japanese bbq place instead of a korean one. だから、日本人の舌には合うね。they don't have that much to choose from but the quality was pretty good so whatevs. drank some and ate some and laughed some. twas pretty chill :)
Currently listening to: We Found Love - Rhianna
we went to this one AYCE BBQ place in los felitz. Tangier Korean BBQ of Tokyo. どっちやねんってつこっみたくなりました。i mean, it was mostly a japanese bbq place. not really korean. i mean, they had ponzu as a dipping sauce... -__- not very korean, eh? ま、でもバンチャ(those small appetizer type dishes)は出たね。ビールも韓国のHITE飲んでたしね。
the place is really interesting in that they have a lot of anime related things. i guess that's their theme. 後、他でもあるけど、大声で挨拶してたね。でも、日本語下手すぎて何を言っているのやら。。。*sigh* i hate places like that. it's just loud and annoying. 気合いなのかも知れねぇけど、いらんし。
![]() |
what character is this??? |
Friday, December 2, 2011
Damn those winds....
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yea, that's damage from those winds... |
i'm pretty sure i'm one of the lucky ones with these santa ana winds, but still, they suck... :( 今日、新聞とか読んでると、悪い人は車とか家が壊されてるから、まだまだ自分はマシだけど、それでも結構大変です。
as far as my house and stuff goes, there hasn't been much physical damage, the electricity has been out for the entire time. これって結構ダメージ大きいですね。まず、お湯が出ません。冷たいシャワーはもう浴びたくない! it is seriously really freezing. but i need to shower. so there's pretty much no way around it. -__-
で、ま、電気がつきません。もちろん、暖房も。this morning, it was 59 degrees in my house... a cold shower on top of that is insane. i really really hope the power comes back soon.... and the traffic sucks around my neighborhood too...
in the mean time, i guess i'll just try to stay warm at work.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thanksgiving Weekend
thanksgiving weekend was pretty cool for the most part. went over to the bf's for dinner. 私ん家はターキーとかそういうのは一切しない家なので...ホリデーとか関係ない家ですね。and since i actually like turkey, decided to go over to the bf's house to mooch since his sister was making some. ま、母はあまりいい顔しなかったけどね。ホントウザい。in addition to turkey, there was ham, sashimi (so japanese, eh??), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cheesecake. おいしかったです!
i was also supposed to go to black friday with the bf, but mom was being a bitch so decided to go with her instead. 近所のモールに0時前ぐらいに行きました。もう、長蛇の列。especially abercombie and fitch. 私はあんま好きじゃないからカンケーないけどさ。ended up getting nothing tho. ugh, stupid mom.
saturday was pretty uneventful but got to spend the entire day with the bf so that was nice. :) sunday, i had to work for my mom so that was lame. and yesterday, my doggie got spayed. 昨日はまだ麻酔が効いてるのかぐったりしてたけど、今はとても元気。よかったよかった。
man, this week is gonna be long...
Currently listening to: D-Motion - KAT-TUN
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mary Stayed Out All Night
the new korean drama that i'm watching. starring Jang Geun Suk!!!! <3 <3 such a cutie :)
Currently listening to: 証 - flumpool
まだ、第3話なんだけど、中々の面白さ。どういう風にこのお二人は惹かれあっていくのかなぁとかライバルたちとはどう絡むのかなぁとか、色々妄想しちゃってます。楽しい♪ しかも、これがなんと、お仕事中なのです(yes, i know, tsk tsk.) but seriously, i don't have much to do at work for the most part anyways, so i'm sure it's no biggie. i do whatever i need to do and watch it when i'm bored. no harm done :D
so, question is, shall i learn korean? i mean, the drama's are subtitled and all, but i'm sure there are definitely at least some inaccuracies. it's impossible to be completely accurate when translating. で、韓国語勉強したら、いらないじゃん? しかも、将来何かと役に立つかも?? なぁんて能天気に考えてる今日この頃です。
Friday, November 18, 2011
一昨日、ウチのドライバーが事故を起こした。well, i guess he says it's not his fault so he was involved in an accident? he was trying to make a left at a yellow light and the car in the opposing traffic failed to stop and rammed into him. でも、目撃者がいないから、どうなることやら。it's a real iffy situation. ugh.
so, i actually went to the scene since my mom was working and it's her car. man, our car was a ford van and the other was a brand-spanking-new mercedes benz. ま、ウチのダメージはまぁまぁ。パンクがひとつとフロント・バンパーが結構破壊されたかな?それだけ。but the other benz was pretty bad.... the hood was blown off and front was mashed in a bit. 新車なのにね。残念。あ~あ。でも、これからがちょっぴり大変そう。
Sunday, November 13, 2011
まさしくと言った感じの私の日曜日。父と家の雨とゆをつけました。we started the project last sunday by taking measurements and buying the necessary materials at home depot. and then today, had to make two more trips to home depot to exchange a wrong item and buy more materials... -__- 時間掛かり過ぎ。anywhooo, by the time we were really able to get started, it was like 4 p.m. で、アッと言う間に真っ暗ね。but my dad insisted we finish so we were able to finish around 7-ish? man, it was so cold. but hey, we finished, right??
Currently listening to: It Will Rain - Bruno Mars
昨日の朝は我がワンちゃんの脱出劇のため、全力疾走以上の走りをした私はちょっぴり筋肉痛。得に土踏まず。なぜかというと、サンダルで走ったため、そこに力が入ったのです。so, working on ladders with that pain was really bad.... but at least we're done and i can relax without having my mom bug me about it.
Monday, November 7, 2011
damn, already..... time is flying. 何か、色々あったような、なかったような。。。first, it was a freakin' cold weekend. 雨雨降れ降れ母さんが♪的な。we (my dad and i) were supposed to put rain gutters on but it started raining so hard, we couldn't... (oh the irony)
works been busy. had two lunch outings last week. 初めてL.A. LiveのJ.W. Marriottに行ったけど、きれいね。さっすが。高そうだし。ohmygosh, the catering there was good :) went there for a luncheon with me bosses.
works been busy. had two lunch outings last week. 初めてL.A. LiveのJ.W. Marriottに行ったけど、きれいね。さっすが。高そうだし。ohmygosh, the catering there was good :) went there for a luncheon with me bosses.
and this week, i get friday off for veteran's day!! woot! :) but i badly need a life....
oh, and i also finally played Catherine this weekend. やっと彼がPS3持ってきてくれて。結構ね、面白いけど、難しい。it's really interesting cuz it's got this nice balance of game and story. and you can tell the creators put a lot of effort into it. でも、難しい。レベル2でも結構アウチ。何度もやり直してやっと彼が突破。このままだとレベル3は危ういですね。でも、癖になりそう。
Currently listening to: The One That Got Away - Katy Perry
Monday, October 31, 2011
Currently listening to: Numb - Linkin Park
so, i went to both the torrance and costa mesa stores this weekend. i tried the shio ramen at the torrance store and the tantan men and sanhon men at the costa mesa store. 塩ラーメンはおいしかったですね。かつおだしはどうかと思いますが、そんなに利いてなかったので、食べやすかった。坦々麺は、ちんまーやーの方がおいしかったね。the sanhon men was interesting.... kinda sour and not very ramen like. it was eh. also tried the yakisoba at the new food court restaurant in torrance. that was DELISH! and also had the miso-ish yakisoba at the costa mesa one too but that was eh... なんとまぁ麺尽くしの週末でした。
スイーツも充実してました。at torrance, i had the crepe (okay, not exactly great) and the 生ドーナツ。生ドーナツはドーナツと言うより普通のケーキを輪状にしただけ。期待ハズレ。飲むケーキもちょっともらったが、フツー。at costa mesa, had the maki dorayaki. that was pretty good. lots of azuki.
and last but not least, the 牛タン弁当。OMG!! DELISH!!!いやぁ~もっと食べたかったなぁ。残念ながら、そんなに食べれなかったけど。。。おいしかったです。この週末は食い倒れでしたね!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
went last night with mom. 何か、焼き鳥が食べたかったので。おいしかったです。あんな派手にテレビでCMが流れてるから、結構立派なとこなのかなぁ~って思ってたら、意外と普通。てか、小さかったね。but really delish!
Currently listening to: 愛唄 - GReeeeN
i actually wanted to go and order a la carte but my mom wanted to try the course so we got one of the torimatsu course (10 yakitoris, soup and salad) and a bit of a la carte. 塩味のヤツがおいしかったと思う。タレは何か普通?ハツ、砂肝、手羽がおいしかったね。ボンボチと皮が食べたかったけど、断念。maybe next time. or maybe, i'll go to honda-ya next time since they have pretty good yakitori too. this place may be good but it's way too far.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Emergency Evacuation Training
今日は緊急避難訓練。i need to walk down the stairs from the 17th floor all the way to p3 (underground parking level 3) and then to a nearby park. ugh. at least i'm not on the 52nd floor. lol
Currently listening to: Without You feat. Usher - David Guetta
so, it wasn't so bad. でも、やっぱちょっと足がガクガクしたから運動不足なんだろうなって思いましたね。so sad.... and we had to stay out there for a while too. not sure what they were doing but it seemed to take forever. 最終的には公園から階段を登ってビルまで行き、そこからはエレベーターだったので、ま、そんなに悪くなかったけど、それなりに大変だった。when i was going up the stairs, i had to catch my breath a bit. lol. man, i need to exercise.
Friday, October 21, 2011
「IKEMEN」に行って参りました。つけ麺屋さんです。it's in hollywood, which is kinda far.... and honestly, kinda not worth the drive all the way over there. 何か、まぁ普通においしいかなって程度。そんなにめちゃ×2旨いって訳でもない。and it's seriously out of my 行動範囲。
Currently listening to: Breakeven - The Script
ほとんど全部がとんこつベースみたいだね。but it's not too heavy. つけ汁も想像していたのより全然濃くなくて、結構アッサリと食べれたね。the amount they give you is pretty good too. so, for starter, we got the hollywood french fries (fries with truffle oil and parmesan, deslish!! but i wish there was more oil towards the bottom cuz they start to get kinda plain at the bottom) and takoyaki (un)cleverly name dragonballs. both were good. i had the zeebra dip. it's their tonkotsu dipping soup with zeebra garlic(??). 以外とアッサリしてて食べやすかった。そんなににんにくは利いてなかったし。with all that and tax/tip, it came to about $17/person. so-so. but not sure if i'd go back.
Currently listening to: Breakeven - The Script
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Exotic Animals!?
apparently, there are a number of exotic animals, including bears and wild cats on the loose in ohio. :O
Currently listening to: Fly feat. Rihanna - Nicki Minaj
according to the L.A. Times, the animals were let loose deliberately and the owner killed himself afterwards. なんという身勝手さ。周りの住民はたまったもんじゃないね。schools have been closed and residents are urged to stay indoors or in their vehicles. もう何匹かは殺されちゃったみたいね。残念なことに。ヒドイ話ですね。
here's the link to the arcticle.
Monday, October 17, 2011
got the new L'Arc single this weekend :) :) WOOT! so, i checked out the pv and heard the song for the first time. う~ん。何か、路線変更?一応hyde作詞作曲みたいだけど、今までに無い感じの曲ですね。最初はちょっと違和感ありありだったけど、イイ曲だと思います。i guess it's just that i like their more rockish tunes so that's why it's kinda like hmmm.... right now.
oh, i also tried the macarons this weekend. soooooo delish!! still need to finish them tho. have about 5 left. :D
Friday, October 14, 2011
Bestie Date
last night, had a fun date night with the bestie :) it was a belated birthday hangout. lol. 前に行ったことあるスペイン料理店に行きました。bar celona in pasadena. we had a lot of catching up to do. 喋りまくってましたね。時間はあんまり無かったけど、楽しいひと時でした。
Currently listening to: 球根 - THE YELLOW MONKEYS
she also got me macarons as a present!! it was from a place that i've been wanting to try. she's awesome like that :D haven't had one yet but can't wait!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Homeless
i work in downtown, which means i pass by a lot of bums on the street during my commute. まぁ、ロスに住んでる以上、慣れたっちゃぁ慣れたけど、やっぱり、何か心苦しい。i know that not all of them out on the street are their because of their own faults. some are there because they have no other choice. だからかなぁ、見てるとちょっと悲しいキモチになる。
Currently listening to: SO YOUNG - THE YELLOW MONKEYS
でも、だからって何もしない私って罪ですかね? but i'm never sure what i should do... should i give them money? but i heard it's better if you give them food and other essentials. but it's not like i always have extra food readily available. plus, i just started working so it's not like i have the 余裕 to do so too. でも、何もしないのもどうかと思う。苦悩してます。
Monday, October 10, 2011
本日は友達に頼んで髪を切ってもらいました。apparently, i cut off almost a foot of hair. lol. i made it pretty short. でも、スッキリしてます。良かった、良かった。
so, my workplace gives me columbus day off. :) gonna go play scrabble with my bf.
Currently listening to: Stereohearts feat. Adam Levine - Gym Class Heroes
so, my workplace gives me columbus day off. :) gonna go play scrabble with my bf.
Currently listening to: Stereohearts feat. Adam Levine - Gym Class Heroes
Sunday, October 9, 2011
today was a bonfire at huntington beach with my friends from high school. some of those attending, i haven't seen in years. so i decided to go. だって、こんなチャンス滅多にないと思うし。and it was my first bonfire.
it was a lot of fun. we played football, volleyball, took pictures, and generally just relaxed and chatted. ホントに久しぶりに会う人が多くてビックリ。やっぱ、中々会う機会が無いなって改めて実感した。本当はもっと遊びたいけど、親が親なだけに、中々難しかったりする。but this was a great opportunity! driving there was a bitch tho. soooooo far from my house. took nearly an hour cuz there was traffic along the way too....
we had a bunch of foods. like wings, pizza, chips, baked goods, candy, etc. oh, and someone also brought alcohol. lol. 本当は違法だけど、まバレなきゃ問題ないっしょ。私は飲まなかったけどね。but man, it was cold. so much wind, and the temperature just dropped at night. 寒い寒い。でも、夏の最後の楽しい思い出ですね。:)
Currently listening to: UNUSUAL - 安室奈美恵 feat. 山下智久
it was a lot of fun. we played football, volleyball, took pictures, and generally just relaxed and chatted. ホントに久しぶりに会う人が多くてビックリ。やっぱ、中々会う機会が無いなって改めて実感した。本当はもっと遊びたいけど、親が親なだけに、中々難しかったりする。but this was a great opportunity! driving there was a bitch tho. soooooo far from my house. took nearly an hour cuz there was traffic along the way too....
we had a bunch of foods. like wings, pizza, chips, baked goods, candy, etc. oh, and someone also brought alcohol. lol. 本当は違法だけど、まバレなきゃ問題ないっしょ。私は飲まなかったけどね。but man, it was cold. so much wind, and the temperature just dropped at night. 寒い寒い。でも、夏の最後の楽しい思い出ですね。:)
Currently listening to: UNUSUAL - 安室奈美恵 feat. 山下智久
Monday, October 3, 2011
last friday, went out to dinner with the old boss. he's actually a family friend so this is probably gonna happen every now and then. ugh, i really don't like the guy too much... ま、でもおいしいもの食べれるからいいっか。
so, last friday, went to Libra in Culver City. it's a brazilian churrasco place. ああいうところって基本バイキングなのかな?よく分からないけど、ココもバイキングでした。i'm only comparing it to the place in farmer's market since that's the only one i know. but yea, OMG DELISH!!!!!!! めっちゃ食べまくっちゃった。食べ過ぎて、ちょっともどしちゃったもん。(すみません、汚いですね)they have 15 different cuts of meat and a salad bar that you can eat from. the salad bar isn't just salad but has some cold and warm appetizers as well. マジ最高!
Currently listening to: Stereo Hearts feat. Adam Levine - Gym Class Heroes
so, last friday, went to Libra in Culver City. it's a brazilian churrasco place. ああいうところって基本バイキングなのかな?よく分からないけど、ココもバイキングでした。i'm only comparing it to the place in farmer's market since that's the only one i know. but yea, OMG DELISH!!!!!!! めっちゃ食べまくっちゃった。食べ過ぎて、ちょっともどしちゃったもん。(すみません、汚いですね)they have 15 different cuts of meat and a salad bar that you can eat from. the salad bar isn't just salad but has some cold and warm appetizers as well. マジ最高!
what was also great was the omiyage from japan that i finally got and my compensation for working. as compensation for working, i got a $375 AE gift card! woot!! 色々買っちゃうぞ!as for my omiyage, got the game i've been wanting for a while, Catherine on PS3. :) it's looks interesting but apparently, it's pretty hard.... we'll see. i just need to have a working remote... すぐ遊べないのが残念。遊びたいです!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Ronald Reagan Library
so, went to the Ronald Reagan Library yesterday with some coworkers. it's up in Simi Valley so it was kinda far but the area was really nice. 今まで行ったことが無かったため、行ってみました。
すっごいいいところでした。they do function as a library because they do allow you to look at documents they have available during Reagan's presidency. but mainly, it's a museum. レーガンの生涯が詰まった展示品の数々を見るのが結構面白かった。俳優として活躍していただけあって、かっこいい。and it's not just that, you can really tell how much he put into helping our nation through his presidency. it was just really an amazing tribute. they have a number of his quotes all throughout the museum, but the best one is the one on his grave.
Currently listening to: Iridescent - Linkin Park
すっごいいいところでした。they do function as a library because they do allow you to look at documents they have available during Reagan's presidency. but mainly, it's a museum. レーガンの生涯が詰まった展示品の数々を見るのが結構面白かった。俳優として活躍していただけあって、かっこいい。and it's not just that, you can really tell how much he put into helping our nation through his presidency. it was just really an amazing tribute. they have a number of his quotes all throughout the museum, but the best one is the one on his grave.
if you ever get the chance, you should go. definite recommend! you get to see air force one stuff too so it's really interesting. would definitely go back on my own time!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
so, i have to use microsoft access at work. access.... WHO THE EFF USES ACCESS!?!?!?!?!?!? well, i'm sure people do use it, but man, it's so confusing. 今までの人生で使ったことがないため、苦戦しております。*sigh*
now, it's fine if i'm just editing a file that already exists. but now i have to actually create one from scratch.... あ~もう! 大変。i shall now go work on that shit.
Currently listening to: Sweet Vanilla - HYDE
now, it's fine if i'm just editing a file that already exists. but now i have to actually create one from scratch.... あ~もう! 大変。i shall now go work on that shit.
Currently listening to: Sweet Vanilla - HYDE
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
had a day off today because it was the autumnal equinox day in japan. isn't it wonderful to be able to get a japanese holiday off in the US? no one else is off so yea, pretty great! :)
今日はオフィスの同僚ちゃん’ズと食べ回り。for lunch, we went to the angry chef in the westin bonaventure. なんか、基本パスタ屋さんみたいだけど、タコスとかもおいてたりする。so, we all decided to split a shrimp scampi pasta, angry chef pasta, and the bulgogi taco set. the taco was actually really good! would definitely want to get it again. the scampi was pretty good too. すごいあっさりしてて、食べやすかった。the angry chef pasta was just so-so. it was creamy but spicy. kinda too heavy for my taste.
after, we decided to get some sweets. went to melt gelato and crepe cafe in el segundo. MELTのジェラートは前にも食べたことあったけど、前はモールで食べたから、お店を訪れるのは初めて。結構空港に近い。i got the swiss chocolate gelato. OMG so good! すごく濃厚。食べ応えあったね。でも、シャツにこぼしてアウチ。-__- i'm so ドンくさい。one of the girls got crepe too so got to try some of that too. すっごいモチモチしてておいしかった。甘すぎず、いい感じ。
Currently listening to: Someone Like You - Adele
今日はオフィスの同僚ちゃん’ズと食べ回り。for lunch, we went to the angry chef in the westin bonaventure. なんか、基本パスタ屋さんみたいだけど、タコスとかもおいてたりする。so, we all decided to split a shrimp scampi pasta, angry chef pasta, and the bulgogi taco set. the taco was actually really good! would definitely want to get it again. the scampi was pretty good too. すごいあっさりしてて、食べやすかった。the angry chef pasta was just so-so. it was creamy but spicy. kinda too heavy for my taste.
after, we decided to get some sweets. went to melt gelato and crepe cafe in el segundo. MELTのジェラートは前にも食べたことあったけど、前はモールで食べたから、お店を訪れるのは初めて。結構空港に近い。i got the swiss chocolate gelato. OMG so good! すごく濃厚。食べ応えあったね。でも、シャツにこぼしてアウチ。-__- i'm so ドンくさい。one of the girls got crepe too so got to try some of that too. すっごいモチモチしてておいしかった。甘すぎず、いい感じ。
the bf joined us for dinner and we went to kagura in torrance. トンカツが有名なお店。彼は揚げ物系大好きなので、良いかと。man, it's a bit pricey but really good. i got salmon, not katsu, but i got to take a bite out of the bf's and man, it was deeeelish! my salmon was pretty good too. but kinda regret not getting the katsu... lol.
Monday, September 19, 2011
this weekend was pretty fun! my mom had work most of the time so it was nice and relaxing. lol.
on saturday, went to the hokkaido fair in torrance with a co-worker. いや~、珍味とか見ると興奮するね。思わずしおから買っちゃったよ。deeelish! i also got the mochi cream again. this time around, it was the apple pie flavor. リンゴとクリームに加えてさくさくしたパイ生地っぽいものも入ってて超おいしい!また食べたいね。
Currently listening to:
on saturday, went to the hokkaido fair in torrance with a co-worker. いや~、珍味とか見ると興奮するね。思わずしおから買っちゃったよ。deeelish! i also got the mochi cream again. this time around, it was the apple pie flavor. リンゴとクリームに加えてさくさくしたパイ生地っぽいものも入ってて超おいしい!また食べたいね。
sunday was bf day! 久しぶりのゆっくりしたおデート。we ended up eating lunch in torrance and spent the rest of the day just kinda kickin' it. watched some videos, washed the car, played a bit of badminton, and got some ice cream. 何かを特にやった訳ではなく、のんびりすごしましたね。それはそれで楽しかった。only thing is i forgot to take pictures. darn. and i got a new camera for my birthday too. ugh. ま、また今度いっぱい撮りたいね。
Friday, September 16, 2011
this was already news last night, but it was also on the top page of today's L.A. Times. it's about the marine who risked his own life to save his comrades and got the highest honor medal for it last night. 昨日のうちにちょっぴりラジオで話を聞いたんだけど、あんまり詳しく知らなかったから今日に新聞で読みました。
Currently listening to: ビギナー - AKB48
it was really sad, yet it made me smile. the guy is really a good guy. when you read his story, it makes you want to cry but at the same time, it makes you smile that there are people like him out there. でも、やっぱり悲しいね。あんま人事じゃないしね。一応友達が空軍に入ってるから。i mean, he's not in a dangerous place right now, but you never know.
anyways, the full story from L.A. Times is available here.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Mochi Cream & ドジっこ
so the new dessert place in the Mitsuwa in Torrance finally opened. upon checking it out, the first thing i notice are the mochi creams. it's like mochi ice cream, but more variety and not frozen. とにかく種類がめちゃめちゃあるの。一個$1.80とまぁまぁなお値段。これは買ってみなくてはということで購入。i got the darjeeling, my mom got the red potato, and my sister got the caramel pudding. mine was the best, imo. my mom's was okay. i don't like caramel, so yea... でも、ホントおいしかった。ダージリンの香りが猛烈。サイズもちょうどイイ感じ。また違うのを試したなぁ。
Currently listening to: SO YOUNG - THE YELLOW MONKEYS
oh, and i also fell yesterday. もう、それは豪快にすでーーーーんと。滑ったんですね。in my hallway. i was kinda running in my slippers and i guess there wasn't as much grip as i'd like it to have and bam, i'm on the floor. で、その拍子に部屋のドアに穴を開けちゃったみたい。馬鹿ですね。ひじもちょっぴりすりむいたし。but it's okay, it's a cheap door anyways. i still need to figure out how i'm gonna fix it tho...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Event & 本多屋
so the event last night was kinda ぐだぐだ。it seems like a lot of people weren't aware of their parts in the event until really last minute. so everything was kinda rushed. でも、一応何とか無事終わりましたね。思ったより人は来なかったけど。。。でも、イベント自体が長かった。it seemed to take forever. i'm just glad it's done.
so, afterwards, a few co-workers and i decided to go to honda-ya for dinner. 一応食べ物はイベントで出たけど、お菓子類が多かったからね。で結局本多屋で軽くつまめる焼き鳥やら色々頼むことに。なんか、気のせいかメニューが変わってたり、焼き鳥の種類が増えてたと思う。ぼんぢりが最高にウマかったでっす! but man, it was a loooooong day.
Currently listening to: I’m On One – DJ Khaled ft. Drake, Rick Ross, and Lil Wayne
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
so, there's an event today at work that i need to attend. it's outside. in this freaking heat wave. EFFFFFFFFFFFF >:(
Currently listening to: Breakeven - The Script
Currently listening to: Breakeven - The Script
Thursday, September 1, 2011
最近良く耳にします。but in my mind, i'm like ??? で、調べたら、最近JK(女子コーセー)の間での流行語だとか。要するには、アゲアゲ↑って意味らしい。ugh, stupid japanese people and there knack of coming up with new funky words... なんか、それ以外でも、「~ぽよ」ってのが流行ってるみたいね。語尾に使ったり、他の言葉の後に付け足したりと色々。アメリカにいながら日本の流行語についていくのは難しいなぁ。
Currently listening to: Moves like Jagger feat. Christina Aguilera - Maroon5
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こういう娘たちに流行ってるのか? |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
went to the japanese restaurant in beverly hills called Mai last night. it's a buffet and even tho it was a buffet, the place was really small. not cramped, but kinda small. でも、その分、料理のクオリティーは高かったと思う。そこいらにあるバイキングよりよっぽどおいしかった。

Currently listening to: まだ見ぬ世界へ - 嵐
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Fat Spoon
went to Fat Spoon, the new curry and pasta place in little tokyo. it was to celebrate my birthday as well as someone else's. 自分の誕生日はまだ先だけどね。anyways, quick question. what's up with japanese restaurants teaming up pasta and curry??? 日本ではそういうの無いと思う。自分は見たことが無い。でも、こっちだとなぜか大体のパスタ屋さんはカレーもやってる。like, curry house, and ducks, and akane chaya. なぜ??

anyways, so we went to fat spoon. there were 6 people total. 二人はカレー、四人はパスタと分かれた。私はパスタ。i got the shrimp and fresh basil. the others were bolognese, carbonara, and pescatore. the curry's were pork katsu curry and beef curry. most of us ended up getting a bite from most of the others so i was able to try all the pastas plus the pork katsu curry. おいしかった!和風でしたね。麺の湯で加減も絶妙。ただ、自分のパスタがイマイチでしたね。残念。でも、カルボナーラとボロネーゼがおいしかった。ペスカトーレもさっぱりでおいしかった。
they have other things, like salads and mini appetizers. i'd like to try some the next time i go!
Currently listening to: How To Love - Lil' Wayne
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

now, i just need to work on my parallel parking...
Currently listening to: Promise - A.N.Jell
Friday, August 19, 2011
何とな~くそんな気がする。only because i heard my new favorite song right now TWICE on the radio before getting to work! 単純だね。でも、すっごくいい曲なの!! it's Lighters feat. Bruno Mars by Bad Meets Evil. for one, i LOVE Bruno Mars. for two, i'm really beginning to like Eminem. so there two together is wonderful!

Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad Meets Evil
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bar Celone & 二世ウィーク
darn, it's been a while since i've updated.... 最近ちょっぴりメンドクサイなぁなんて思っております。ごめんなさい。
so, had a hang out/going away dinner for my friends this past saturday. went out to Bar Celona in Old Town Pasadena. 最初はなんか、予約が無いと座れないとか言ってたのに、結局は座れることに。意味分からないね。got a pitcher of red sangria and some tapas as well as a paella. mmmmm. delissssssssssh! the sangria was whatevs, since i'm not much of a wine fan. 運転してたから、一応1.5杯に収めておきました。the food was really good tho. i really liked it. i think this was my first try with Spanish food. but it's sticking :)

afterwards, we went to a friends house to hang out with other people that didn't come to the dinner. 高校からの友達が多かったけど、ほとんどあんまり会う機会が無いから、うれしかったね。the guy whose house we kinda took over was someone i didn't know so that was a bit awkward at first but he was really nice so had some fun.
で、日曜日は二世ウィークパレード。知ってる人が結構出ててビックリ。仕事関係の人が何人か出るって聞いていたけど、それ以上に出てたね。(笑)man, it was kinda hot at first but once the sun went down, it got cold real fast. i think they had a lot more variety in the parade than when i went 2 years ago, but the nebuta was really sad. ホントしょぼかった。ハネトさんの数も激減。「ねぶた」自体も全然小さいし盛り上がらなかったね。o well, 残念。
Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
Friday, August 12, 2011
Bhanu and Umami Burger
okay, despite the fact that i am very broke recently, i've been going out A LOT... not good, especially since i'm planning on eating out tomorrow night too.. *sigh* でも、仕方ないの。友達のお別れ会みたいなのだから、行かないわけにはいかないのです。大好きな友達なので、なお更。

well, so the day before yesterday, had indian food! i was really craving it and lo and behold, there's a really good one really close to me :) いや~、今まで行ってないのが疑問ですな。it's call Bhanu Indian Cuisine and Grocery. i tried their butter chicken curry and garlic naan. soooooo delish!! 今度はまた違うのも試したいですね。
last night, i got the bf to buy me some umami burger. honestly, i thought it was pretty good but wayyyy too overpriced. don't think i'll be going back again, especially since it's kiiiiiiinda far. でも、本当においしかった。日本人が経営してるのかな?結構日本人好みの味だね。just that the onion rings were really really really really really greasy.... other than that, muy delicioso. but yea, to expensive. 残念。

the manly burger, so goood!
Currently listening to: NO.1 - 安室奈美恵 feat. 川畑要
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
楽 & Perch
had some fun last night and the night before. two nights in a row of going out, that's probably a record. lol. ウチの親うるさいからね。でも、仕事だって言っておいたから何も言わなかったけどね。
on monday, went out to eat dinner with the bf. 小東京の楽に行ってきました。前にも行ったことがあるんだけど、クーポンがあったから、行ってきました。it was the groupon where we could get up to $40 of food and drinks. で、二人で食いまくり、$25ほど(チップ込み)払いました。the food was good. i gots to eat some really good oysters. 彼はどれもイマイチそうだったけどね。but that's always the case so bleh.

昨日の夜は会社の同僚と晩御飯へ。恒例のHHにお誘いを受けました。we ended up going to a new place nearby called Perch. thing is, they don't have HH... so it was a bit pricey... フレンチっぽいのが売りみたいだけど、あんまり料理の種類が無かったね。ま、出来たばっかだからしょうがないのかも知れないけど。the food was pretty good. they had some pretty funky stuff that i guess is normal for french? we got rabbit and frog. rabbit was kinda in a pate form and tasted kinda like tuna. frog, i've had before, and it's okay. not so great. it's got this weird texture to it that i can't really stomach. ちょっぴり吐きそうになりながら食べたね。other than that, i tried risotto for the first time. apparently, this one didn't have too much cheese on it, which i thought was great. 他の女子は物足りないって言ってたけど、私はおいしかったと思った。i left early so i don't know what the end price was but i am to pay back my coworkers today. あ~、怖いコワイ。金欠なのにね。(笑)
Currently listening to: 風のしらべ - ベッキー♯♪
Monday, August 8, 2011
Zenya Torrance
に行ってきました。with the bf and fam fam. was interested in trying this place out since i noticed their ad in lighthouse. 写真はおいしそうだったので。

実際結構おいしかったけど、ちょっぴり問題が何点か。ラーメンとかはホントおいしかったし、他のものも結構イケた。just that the service was kinda sucky. food took wayyy too long to come out. our ramen came, but the rice dishes took forever. しらす丼を頼んだんだけど、どう考えてもすぐ出来そうなのに、ラーメン半分以上食べてからしか出てこなかった。ugh. that got my mom really pissy, which is just annoying.
so, the food is good, but they really need to work on their service. oh, and its also kinda far. lol
Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad meets Evil
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Event & MC
so, my company had an event last night, and it was my first time attending such an event. 企画とかの段階から結構手伝ってたから内容的な面では結構詳しかったんですが、それでも緊張しましたね。しかも!i had to MC the event..... introducing the tops of those parties involved and giving a few words of welcome myself.... 恥ずかしかった。大変だった。everyone was really nice after and complimented me, but it was 絶対お世辞。
but overall, i think the event was really successful! it was actually a lot of fun overall. and i got to eat a bit of some really good food. 食べようと思った時にはもうすでに無いものが多かったけどね。お寿司とか。残念!
afterwards, i went out to a cafe with some of the girls from work. it's called Urth Caffe. there's apparently one in beverly hills too but this time, it was the downtown one. 周り超怪しかった。(笑)治安悪っ!みたいな。but the place was really nice and really busy. sooo many people. ガールズトークが楽しかったです!

Currently listening to: How to love - Lil' Wayne
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
EDC Riot?

he takes the subway, and he was like, there are so many 'emo' kids and i guess he was wondering why. で、自分と同じ降り口、hollywood & highland で降りたらしい。めっちゃいたんだって。ま、騒ぎにもなるわな。
if you want, here's the link to the article.
Currently listening to: HIDEAWAY - hyde
Monday, July 25, 2011
My 週末
ugh, so the electricty in my room was out this weekend again. so i kinda spent this weekend without internet. 最近は慣れてきたけど。でもやっぱり不便ね。
so, i spent the greater part of my sunday doing yard work. we had to dig out some plants and plant new ones. also had to give feed to the plants. 暑かったから結構大変だったね。でも、いい汗かけましたねぇ。最近運動不足だからちょうどよかったのかも。

went to watch Friends with Benefits. HILARIOUS!! i really liked it. the bf said the storyline is too predictable and played out.... -___- だって、そんなの最初からわかってたことじゃん。題名見ただけで絶対読めたよ、終わり。gosh. i enjoyed it. really funny. but, there was this really old lady next to me, making it kinda awkward. i can bet you she was definitely not part of the target audience. でも、超食い気味で見てた(笑)i would definitely recommend it if you want some laughs.
Currently listening to: Closing Time - Semisonic
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
海の日 Fun!
yesterday, i had a day off from work because it was 海の日. so, i made the bf take a day off too and went on a date :)
楽しかったです♪ first, we went to harajuku crepe in beverly hills. 超超超超うまかった。i got one filled with strawberries and banana with nutella and whipped cream. まじ最高。遠くなければまた行きたい。too bad it is actually kinda far...

and then, off to the century city mall to watch Super 8. good movie. i really liked it. the bf thought the ending was kinda lame, but i think that's probably the best they could do. だって、他にあんまり終わり方ないじゃん?イイと思ったんだけどね。ちょっと色々と大げさなところもありましたが、良かったです。
for dinner, we went to bj's with the guys. i was supposed to go out with some girls from work along with the guys, but the girls bailed, so it was just me and the guys again... -__- 話がつまらんつまらん。だからお前らはモテないんだよ!っていう感じの会話ばっか。ま、慣れてるからいいんだけどさ。it was a really nice day spent with the bf, but i kinda wish we coulda spent more time together. we were both tired so we called it quits a bit early. またやりたいなぁ。
Currently listening to: Endless Story - 伊藤由奈
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