had some fun last night and the night before. two nights in a row of going out, that's probably a record. lol. ウチの親うるさいからね。でも、仕事だって言っておいたから何も言わなかったけどね。
on monday, went out to eat dinner with the bf. 小東京の楽に行ってきました。前にも行ったことがあるんだけど、クーポンがあったから、行ってきました。it was the groupon where we could get up to $40 of food and drinks. で、二人で食いまくり、$25ほど(チップ込み)払いました。the food was good. i gots to eat some really good oysters. 彼はどれもイマイチそうだったけどね。but that's always the case so bleh.

昨日の夜は会社の同僚と晩御飯へ。恒例のHHにお誘いを受けました。we ended up going to a new place nearby called Perch. thing is, they don't have HH... so it was a bit pricey... フレンチっぽいのが売りみたいだけど、あんまり料理の種類が無かったね。ま、出来たばっかだからしょうがないのかも知れないけど。the food was pretty good. they had some pretty funky stuff that i guess is normal for french? we got rabbit and frog. rabbit was kinda in a pate form and tasted kinda like tuna. frog, i've had before, and it's okay. not so great. it's got this weird texture to it that i can't really stomach. ちょっぴり吐きそうになりながら食べたね。other than that, i tried risotto for the first time. apparently, this one didn't have too much cheese on it, which i thought was great. 他の女子は物足りないって言ってたけど、私はおいしかったと思った。i left early so i don't know what the end price was but i am to pay back my coworkers today. あ~、怖いコワイ。金欠なのにね。(笑)
Currently listening to: 風のしらべ - ベッキー♯♪
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