darn, it's been a while since i've updated.... 最近ちょっぴりメンドクサイなぁなんて思っております。ごめんなさい。
so, had a hang out/going away dinner for my friends this past saturday. went out to Bar Celona in Old Town Pasadena. 最初はなんか、予約が無いと座れないとか言ってたのに、結局は座れることに。意味分からないね。got a pitcher of red sangria and some tapas as well as a paella. mmmmm. delissssssssssh! the sangria was whatevs, since i'm not much of a wine fan. 運転してたから、一応1.5杯に収めておきました。the food was really good tho. i really liked it. i think this was my first try with Spanish food. but it's sticking :)

afterwards, we went to a friends house to hang out with other people that didn't come to the dinner. 高校からの友達が多かったけど、ほとんどあんまり会う機会が無いから、うれしかったね。the guy whose house we kinda took over was someone i didn't know so that was a bit awkward at first but he was really nice so had some fun.
で、日曜日は二世ウィークパレード。知ってる人が結構出ててビックリ。仕事関係の人が何人か出るって聞いていたけど、それ以上に出てたね。(笑)man, it was kinda hot at first but once the sun went down, it got cold real fast. i think they had a lot more variety in the parade than when i went 2 years ago, but the nebuta was really sad. ホントしょぼかった。ハネトさんの数も激減。「ねぶた」自体も全然小さいし盛り上がらなかったね。o well, 残念。
Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
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