yesterday, i had a day off from work because it was 海の日. so, i made the bf take a day off too and went on a date :)
楽しかったです♪ first, we went to harajuku crepe in beverly hills. 超超超超うまかった。i got one filled with strawberries and banana with nutella and whipped cream. まじ最高。遠くなければまた行きたい。too bad it is actually kinda far...

and then, off to the century city mall to watch Super 8. good movie. i really liked it. the bf thought the ending was kinda lame, but i think that's probably the best they could do. だって、他にあんまり終わり方ないじゃん?イイと思ったんだけどね。ちょっと色々と大げさなところもありましたが、良かったです。
for dinner, we went to bj's with the guys. i was supposed to go out with some girls from work along with the guys, but the girls bailed, so it was just me and the guys again... -__- 話がつまらんつまらん。だからお前らはモテないんだよ!っていう感じの会話ばっか。ま、慣れてるからいいんだけどさ。it was a really nice day spent with the bf, but i kinda wish we coulda spent more time together. we were both tired so we called it quits a bit early. またやりたいなぁ。
Currently listening to: Endless Story - 伊藤由奈
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