no offense to anyone, but they really suck! seriously. i usually go through chinatown on my way to work, but i'm seriously thinking about reconsidering it. 今日でホントに懲りた。遅刻までしちゃったし。ま、たかだか2分だけどね。

so, first there was student driver. :O マヂで。な~んも無いところで急にブレーキ踏み始めて、ほとんど止まる始末に。i'm just like WTF!? it was seriously a straight stretch of road and there was nothing in front of the guy. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN???? こっちは遅刻しそうだから急いでるのに...イライラする。
and then driving along that stretch in chinatown, there were so many slow cars... unbelievable. and the guy in front of me decides to make a right so i change lanes to avoid having to stop. then what does the bastard in front of me in the new lane do?? HE FREAKING BRAKES TOO! WHY???? 意味わかんない。隣が曲がるのにブレーキ踏んでても、こっちには関係ないじゃん。さっさと行けや!!ぶつからへんちゅうねん!阿呆か!grrrrr....
and then, once i'm in downtown, there's freaking road construction and one lane out of two is closed... sooooo much backed up traffic. でも、避けて通れないし。最悪。そんなこんなでちょっぴり遅刻。i'm sure it's not a big deal, but man, soooo annoying...
Currently listening to: 風のしらべ - ベッキー♯♪
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