so, i was driving down a small street (one lane for each side of traffic and a center lane) and i was trying to make a right into a parking space for those parking spots that are on the street but kinda perpediculate to it. kinda like this ↓
で、ちゃんと指示器を出して、スピード落として曲がろうとしたのです。私の車って結構大きくて、小回りが利かないので、結構大きく曲がらないとダメなんです。so, since my hunk of minivan needed to make a kinda tight right turn, i slightly turned to the left and then started turning right. well, this fucked up old white lady behind me decided to pass me on the right even tho i was making a right turn and by the time i noticed and tried to brake, we were hitting. stupid old lady didn't even brake.... -__- 完全に向こうの責任。but no, bastard lady wouldn't admit fault. she was pissed too, which pissed me off even more. I HAD MY RIGHT TURN SIGNAL ON!! no way i'm at fault. she was trying to lecture me as to how it's my fault because i was in the center lane. i wasn't. she actually admitted that to the police that i called too. idiot... ホント馬鹿。墓穴ほってやんの。ま、こっちにとっては有利だったけど。to top it off, she didn't even have her insurance info on her... fucking retard. thank goodness i called the police.
this happened yesterday, on christmas eve... just great.
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