My Big Fat Greek Wedding
finally watched it! i've kept hearing it's a good movie but i've just never had the chance to watch it. well, i finally did. and it was good! liked it a lot. かわいいし、面白いし、それにてロマンチックだし。女の子が喜びそうな映画だね。
やっぱり、女の子としては結婚式は憧れるよね~。特に!ウェディングドレス!やっぱ純白っしょ。recently, there are wedding dresses in all sorts of different colors but i think white is still the best. でも、めっちゃフワフワしてるのヤかも。i think i'd rather have one that's slimmer, more modern. haha. before i say such things, i should diet. って、まだまだ先の話だけどね。
oh! went swimming in my pool yesterday. it was lots of fun. 今年初めて水着着た。やっぱ夏だと気持ちイイね。ウチにプールがあってよかった!
Currently listening to: Faraway - Gackt
I liked that movie too! My mom wanted to watch it and I remembered people saying it's good.
HAHA swimsuit season..damn it! :)
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