it's been a while... haven't been doing too much. i know... boring life. shush. anyways, i have been watching a couple of movies. between now and the last post, i've watched 3 movies: The Ugly Truth, Death Race, and Thank You For Smoking. so, let's get started...
first up, The Ugly Truth. typical romantic comedy. bf said it was pretty predictable, which i must say was. でも、やっぱかわいいとも思った。下ネタが豊富でしたね~。(笑)and, katherine heigl is an awesome actress. i'm sure there are a ton of a-list actresses out there that saw the script and were like, "there is NO WAY i am doing this..." 下ネタがあってこそ面白いんだっつ~の!

Death Race was a so-so movie. i don't know much about cars so all that technical yatta yatta wasn't that big for me. でも、彼は車好きだから、「あれはありえない」とか「これはこーじゃなきゃ」とかウルサイ。いいじゃん!映画なんだから。夢売るのが商売なんだよ!but it was pretty fast paced. sometimes a little too so. it was hard to understand what was going on in the movie sometimes. plus, i was kinda sleepy... =_=

out of all three of these movies, Thank You for Smoking was the best. really interesting movie. 本当に面白かった。いろんな意味で勉強にもなったしね。何せ内容が内容なだけにどんなもんかな~って思ってたけど、期待を上回ったね。the satire was really good. if you like that kind of stuff, you'll love this movie. definitely recommended.

Currently listening to: Toxic - Britney Spears
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