かなりヤバイです。i'm seriously really low on $$. -__- need to work more. but work is sooooo boring. lol. ヤダな~。でも、今のバイトは時給$12だからすごいイイんだよね~。やめられない止まらないカッパえび千♪ 状態ですね。

what really killed me is buying my laptop. that thing was so expensive. even tho it was a good buy.... it ate a huge chunk of my checkings. baaaaddddd. 後、日本円がまだあるんだよね~。lik, 16万ぐらい?i also have a bit of cash leftover from what my aunt and uncle gave me, which are in dollars. どうにか来週まで生き延びないと。来週は給料日!待ち遠しい...
Currently listening to: イチブトゼンブ - B'z
1 comment:
私も。。。お金がない!人生はつまらないね T___T
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