で、見た映画が、Inglorious Basterds. the one with brad pitt and directed by quentin tarantino. 面白い!実に面白かった。definitely worth that $6! it was graphic yet funny. the way the director was able to display the emotion of revenge is awesome. 人間の怖い部分を露骨に、なおかつ、面白く描けるのがすごいね。見てよかったと思った。after the movie, we went out to eat at this homestyle taiwanese place which was pretty good. the bestie ended up paying. thanks! i had some raw garlic. lots of it.... 次の日までにおったって。ってキスした彼に言われました...

で、昨日は友達の誕生日を祝うために、映画を見に行きました。ハリウッドにある墓地で夜空の下で見れるクラシック映画、今回は「Singin' in the Rain」でした。it was at a cemetery called Hollywood Forever. it was awesome. 自分でブランケットと食べ物とお酒・飲み物を持って入って、見るの。楽しかった♪ 絶対また行きたいね。今度は彼と二人で。maybe on a double date. hey bestie, how about it?? haha.
Currently listening to: Singin' in the Rain - Gene Kelly
1 comment:
ii desu ne. :) it's always good hanging out with you and James
glad you actually liked the movie even though it was so damn gory. hehe <3
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