President's Day Bonanza
man, yesterday was a pretty long day. haha. it was fun overall tho. let's see... i first slept over at the bf's house. 寒かった~。he keeps taking the blanket from me! >:( で、朝起きてから、ちょっとモールにお買い物~♪ we went to AE and i found some stuff that i liked でも...高すぎる。we did some shopping for the bf.
その後は、小東京に行ってランチ。we went to the new place in weller court. 2F. chi-ma-ya? i think is what it's called. i like it :) then, it's off to kinokuniya. 新しいシリーズ始めました!!「黒執事」。そこそこ面白そう?i just started reading it so not too sure yet.
で、その後は、カラオケ~♪。歌いまくったぜ。のどが痛くなったぜ。あはは。でも、楽しかった。it was 結構久しぶり。after the karaoke, we went home and watched "Super Bad". more like finished watching it. a bit dumb. some funny parts. was an eh movie.
for dinner, we went to a chinese restaurant in san gabriel to celebrate the bf's lil sis's birthday :) it was まぁまぁ。サービスがあんまり...but man, we had live prawns, and the thing cost $40/lb!!!!! unbelievable. we got so just the prawns cost us $80. 高いよぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ。ご馳走様でした。i feel a bit bad since i always go to those family dinner things and いつもご馳走になる。すみません。
after dinner, the bf and i go to best buys and he gets himself an mp3 player. it's a sony. i get his old one. yay! ただより安い物はない! hehe.
once we get home, i borrowed the shower and afterwards, movie time again! we watched 「隠し砦の三悪人 THE LAST PRINCESS」。it's a japanese movie that got quite a lot of publicity. i only watch half of it tho. hopefully, i can finish it up soon. でも見た限りは結構面白そうだったけどね。
ま、そんなこんなで結構色々ありましたね。昨日は。楽しかった。too bad i didn't end up studying at all for my midterm wednesday... o wells.
Currently listening to: 扉 - GReeeeN
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