i've never had a good image of Cuba. i mean, i live in the U.S., our education is probably built in such a way as to create a bad image of Cuba anyways. can't really blame me, can you? でも、それが今日ガラッと変わった。大学はやっぱ違うね~。or maybe, the U.S. is changing. who knows? either way, Cuba has come into really good light in my mind.

it's really pretty, isn't it? i might want to go...
in my latin american studies class today, we watched a film titled "Salud!" meaning health. このフィルムはキューバの health care system に関するフィルムでいろんな情報満載だった。what's interesting in Cuba is that even though there still exists poverty, everybody is guaranteed health care for free. that's amazing.
even more amazing is the humanitarian outreach program that they do. キューバのお医者さんはいろんな外国の国に飛んで貧民を助けてる。地元のお医者さんが行きたくないほど貧乏な地域にまで行き滞在し、治療を行う。なかなかできることではない。i mean, most of these places have no electricity and running water. you're completely cut off from the modern world. that's really tough. 超尊敬。even former President Jimmy Carter spoke very highly of Cuba in this sense. it is very admirable.
Currently listening to: How to save a life - The Fray
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