昨日、私がどれだけインターネットを必要としているか思い知らされた。i hate how depend i am on it, but i probably seriously would not be able to live without internet anymore.
anyways, my internet provider in Time Warner Cable.
and you know what? they SUCK ASS! really. it's slow and there are lots of outages... -_- 本当に頼りない。昨日もそうだった。we never really got the internet back last night. and wanna hear what happened when i called to complain?? after being on hold for 30 minutes, they disconnected me... i was like "WHAT!?" めっちゃムカつく。最悪。マジで。i really hate time warner. there's nothing good from them.

Currently listening to: 小さな恋の歌 - モンゴル800