is finally here. i am officially almost done with my teen years. not sure whether i should be happy or sad... i feel like i'm getting old. yet, i'm also excited that i am one step closer to a life of my own. (god knows i want to get out of this hell hole of a house). as i hit the big 20, i'm starting to feel as though it's not that great of a number after all.
日本でいう成人。こっちでいうと?あんまりない。日本だとタバコ・お酒・選挙参加権利が得られる。here, you get nothing. course, you do get to smoke and vote at 18 so that doesn't count. plus, i don't smoke. but i still can't gamble or drink. what fun is that?? i don't understand how this country can deem you responsible enough to vote for your president at age 18 but not responsible enough to gamble or drink. ま、ほとんどの人はもうお構いなしに飲んでるだろうけど...
anyways, i am getting old. it may sound a bit odd. haha. but still, being out of your teen years is not all that great. you don't get the luxury of 1 being the initial number for your age and that can be pretty big. but i'm also happy to finally be starting my 20s. (there we go with the 矛盾 again...) i hope it's a good one.
today, we had a bbq with all my family members. it was fun! :) and the food was goooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddd. (笑) i haven't had a bbq at the house in forever so it was awesome. thanks dad! he did all the cooking. lol. and a shout out to the bf, who was kind enough to take me shopping for everything in the a.m. but couldn't eat because of work. 皆さんに感謝ですね。でも、本当に楽しかった~:)
currently listening to: salamander - ellegarden
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
カラオケに行きたい。行きたい行きたい行きたい。but i can't seem to find the time. the only person i feel comfortable enough to go with is my bf. and he has been working a lot lately so i can't seem to go... でも、めちゃめちゃ行きたい。*sigh*
アメリカのカラオケって結構高い。日本の方が断然安いらしい。羨ましいですね。it would be nice if they considered the poor college students. it's really hard to afford such a luxury and hard to go to their happy hour. 悲しいですね。
hopefully, i can go soon. i need to have some FUN! and it would be a nice thing to do with the bf. and maybe with a certain someone else as well. it was a lot of fun when we went with just the three of us. また皆で行こうぜ!楽しみ~。
currently listening to: 愛唄 - GReeeeN
アメリカのカラオケって結構高い。日本の方が断然安いらしい。羨ましいですね。it would be nice if they considered the poor college students. it's really hard to afford such a luxury and hard to go to their happy hour. 悲しいですね。
hopefully, i can go soon. i need to have some FUN! and it would be a nice thing to do with the bf. and maybe with a certain someone else as well. it was a lot of fun when we went with just the three of us. また皆で行こうぜ!楽しみ~。
currently listening to: 愛唄 - GReeeeN
Friday, August 29, 2008
矛盾 : contradiction
例えば自分。whenever i fight with the bf and he says he's gonna leave, at first, i say 'fine.' but, when he really does try to leave, i say 'no. don't go.' 最初っから素直にイヤって言えばいいのにそれができない。いくらがんばっても素直にはなれない。それは、人間である以上仕方が無いのかな?
another example. 只今、「四つの嘘」っていうドラマを見てる。ドラマの中で、夫に浮気される専業主婦がいる。however, before she finds out about the cheating, she had been on a couple of dates with her son's 家庭教師。キスまでしてたりする。ってことは自分だって浮気してるでしょ?but she can't seem to forgive her husband for doing the same thing. '刺してやる'とまで言ってる。コワイ、コワイ。修羅場の時なんか、一緒についてきた友達に'自分だってダレカに心揺らいだことあるでしょ?'って聞かれたら、普通な顔で'ない'って言ってた。ウソツキ。
矛盾とウソツキってつながってると思う。if you contradict yourself, you're lying. でも、世の中矛盾なしでは生きてはいけないと思う。誰だってそう。人生は矛盾だらけ。だから楽しいのかな?だから悲しいのかな?だから皆一生懸命なのかな?
currently listening to: いばらの涙 - L'Arc~en~Ciel
例えば自分。whenever i fight with the bf and he says he's gonna leave, at first, i say 'fine.' but, when he really does try to leave, i say 'no. don't go.' 最初っから素直にイヤって言えばいいのにそれができない。いくらがんばっても素直にはなれない。それは、人間である以上仕方が無いのかな?
another example. 只今、「四つの嘘」っていうドラマを見てる。ドラマの中で、夫に浮気される専業主婦がいる。however, before she finds out about the cheating, she had been on a couple of dates with her son's 家庭教師。キスまでしてたりする。ってことは自分だって浮気してるでしょ?but she can't seem to forgive her husband for doing the same thing. '刺してやる'とまで言ってる。コワイ、コワイ。修羅場の時なんか、一緒についてきた友達に'自分だってダレカに心揺らいだことあるでしょ?'って聞かれたら、普通な顔で'ない'って言ってた。ウソツキ。
矛盾とウソツキってつながってると思う。if you contradict yourself, you're lying. でも、世の中矛盾なしでは生きてはいけないと思う。誰だってそう。人生は矛盾だらけ。だから楽しいのかな?だから悲しいのかな?だから皆一生懸命なのかな?
currently listening to: いばらの涙 - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Thursday, August 28, 2008
言った方がいいのでしょうか?それとも言わない方がいいのでしょうか?i guess it depends on the situation? but still, it can be very hard. 言わなくてもいいこと言っちゃったり。言わなきゃいけないこと言わなかったり。everything is difficult.
you might be able to tell by now but i had a fight with the bf. we made up already so it's ok. but still... 意見の食い違いとか?色々あって大変です。i know that i am at fault a lot of times. (okay, maybe all the time...) but still... i wish the bf could be a little nicer and supportive. 慰めて欲しいと思うときとか絶対してくれないよね。am i asking for too much? maybe...
i am very わがまま、自分勝手、and overall, a めんどくさい女。lol. 自分でも分かってるつもり。but it's not like it's something you can control.i try. but it doesn't always end up the way i'd like it to. *sigh* why does life have to be so difficult sometimes....
最近はまだましだってね。それほどケンカもなく過ごしてた。the really bad part was during mid-july. that was really bad. i still think that i am not at fault. 女問題でもめてたね。he was seriously excessively texting this one girl. 50+ texts in one day!!!! since when on earth is that normal?? 別に浮気してるって思ってたわけじゃないけど。。。it's really hard to deal with it when we're on a date and his phone continually goes off and he's texting throughout much of the day. しかも、めっちゃくだらない内容だし。意味分からん。ソレが、他の人ともそうだったらまだましかもしれないけど was this one girl that he was always texting with. i really felt like i was sharing my bf with this girl. annoying as heck. いい加減にしてよ!!って感じ?
eventually, he told her that i was uncomfortable with their texting so they stopped. but this was only after we fought like crazy over this. マジ最悪だった。i really had a hard time figuring out why my bf was more supportive of the other girl instead of me. he really did not seem to know what was wrong with what he was doing. でも、イヤなんだからしょうがないじゃん。i think they still chat. which kinda bothers me but not too much. it's probably just because i don't like her too much. :P
でも、信じられないのが、she still had the guts to ask the bf if they could go and hang out together. what!? use some common sense girl!! if i don't like you guys texting each other, what makes you think i'm not going to mind you guys going out together. especially since you almost ruined our relationship. バカじゃないの?? seriously...マジで神経疑うし。本当にあのコ、すきじゃない。
on a lighter note, i am currently starting to watch the first season of "gossip girl". everyone says it's good so i hope it is. :) looking forward to it!
currently listening to: milk tea - 福山雅治
you might be able to tell by now but i had a fight with the bf. we made up already so it's ok. but still... 意見の食い違いとか?色々あって大変です。i know that i am at fault a lot of times. (okay, maybe all the time...) but still... i wish the bf could be a little nicer and supportive. 慰めて欲しいと思うときとか絶対してくれないよね。am i asking for too much? maybe...
i am very わがまま、自分勝手、and overall, a めんどくさい女。lol. 自分でも分かってるつもり。but it's not like it's something you can control.i try. but it doesn't always end up the way i'd like it to. *sigh* why does life have to be so difficult sometimes....
最近はまだましだってね。それほどケンカもなく過ごしてた。the really bad part was during mid-july. that was really bad. i still think that i am not at fault. 女問題でもめてたね。he was seriously excessively texting this one girl. 50+ texts in one day!!!! since when on earth is that normal?? 別に浮気してるって思ってたわけじゃないけど。。。it's really hard to deal with it when we're on a date and his phone continually goes off and he's texting throughout much of the day. しかも、めっちゃくだらない内容だし。意味分からん。ソレが、他の人ともそうだったらまだましかもしれないけど was this one girl that he was always texting with. i really felt like i was sharing my bf with this girl. annoying as heck. いい加減にしてよ!!って感じ?
eventually, he told her that i was uncomfortable with their texting so they stopped. but this was only after we fought like crazy over this. マジ最悪だった。i really had a hard time figuring out why my bf was more supportive of the other girl instead of me. he really did not seem to know what was wrong with what he was doing. でも、イヤなんだからしょうがないじゃん。i think they still chat. which kinda bothers me but not too much. it's probably just because i don't like her too much. :P
でも、信じられないのが、she still had the guts to ask the bf if they could go and hang out together. what!? use some common sense girl!! if i don't like you guys texting each other, what makes you think i'm not going to mind you guys going out together. especially since you almost ruined our relationship. バカじゃないの?? seriously...マジで神経疑うし。本当にあのコ、すきじゃない。
on a lighter note, i am currently starting to watch the first season of "gossip girl". everyone says it's good so i hope it is. :) looking forward to it!
currently listening to: milk tea - 福山雅治
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
just came back from vegas. i was doing so much stuff that i never bothered to open my computer. lol. 'twas lots of fun! :)
so it was the family and the boyfriend that ended up going on the trip. my mom, the bf, and i were in one room. the grandparents and sister in another. we stayed at the desert paradise resorts and we had 2 2-bed condos. IT WAS AWESOME! full kitchen and full living room. everything you needed was pretty much there. very nice.
we did a lot of shopping (sorry guys!) and some sightseeing. we went to fremont street to watch the light show and that was pretty crazyyyyy. the bf and i also did a lot of swimming. but it was always at night, since the pool was open until midnight. overall, it was a lot of relaxing. i definitely want to go back when i'm 21 and with just the bf. it would be soooooooooooooooo much more fun! :)
man, i totally want to try out gambling. too bad i have to wait another year. -_- why can't it just be 18 like the indian casinos??
currently listening to: shine - L'Arc~en~Ciel
so it was the family and the boyfriend that ended up going on the trip. my mom, the bf, and i were in one room. the grandparents and sister in another. we stayed at the desert paradise resorts and we had 2 2-bed condos. IT WAS AWESOME! full kitchen and full living room. everything you needed was pretty much there. very nice.
we did a lot of shopping (sorry guys!) and some sightseeing. we went to fremont street to watch the light show and that was pretty crazyyyyy. the bf and i also did a lot of swimming. but it was always at night, since the pool was open until midnight. overall, it was a lot of relaxing. i definitely want to go back when i'm 21 and with just the bf. it would be soooooooooooooooo much more fun! :)
man, i totally want to try out gambling. too bad i have to wait another year. -_- why can't it just be 18 like the indian casinos??
currently listening to: shine - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Sunday, August 24, 2008
最近ちょっと見てるドラマが「恋空」。it's kinda cheesy in some places, but pretty good overall. something guys probably won't find all that interesting. lol.
それで、コノお話は実話に基づいた携帯小説をドラマ化したお話なんだって~。実話ってところが面白いのかな?i kinda want to see how it ends since it keeps hinting that something bad is going to happen to the guy, ヒロ。i think he might die.
anyways, the 主題歌 of this series is what i'm really interested in right now.when i first heard it, i was like 'wow~'. it's reallyx2 pretty. :) 誰かな~って思ったら絢香っぽいな~ってことに気づいた。だからそうかなって思ってたら違った...なんと!avex 所属の福井舞って言う新人だったのです。曲名は「アイのうた」。it's really quite neat. 切ないけど、前向きな曲。結構お気に入りだったりします。皆さんも是非x2一度聞いてみてください。:)
↑ link to video. enjoy :)
currently listening to: アイのうた - 福井舞
それで、コノお話は実話に基づいた携帯小説をドラマ化したお話なんだって~。実話ってところが面白いのかな?i kinda want to see how it ends since it keeps hinting that something bad is going to happen to the guy, ヒロ。i think he might die.
anyways, the 主題歌 of this series is what i'm really interested in right now.when i first heard it, i was like 'wow~'. it's reallyx2 pretty. :) 誰かな~って思ったら絢香っぽいな~ってことに気づいた。だからそうかなって思ってたら違った...なんと!avex 所属の福井舞って言う新人だったのです。曲名は「アイのうた」。it's really quite neat. 切ないけど、前向きな曲。結構お気に入りだったりします。皆さんも是非x2一度聞いてみてください。:)
↑ link to video. enjoy :)
currently listening to: アイのうた - 福井舞
Saturday, August 23, 2008
today, i am going to introduce you to my maternal grandmother, a true work of hyprocrisy. なんていうか...機嫌がいいときはいいけど、機嫌が悪いとめちゃめちゃ悪い。しかも中々直らない。イヤミばっか。
what happened was this: my mom had bought some almond roca type thing for my grandma before she came and left it in her room. my mom happened to ask today whether she had tried it. でも、ババァは知らんっていう。家中を探しても出てこない。so my mom becomes kind of 機嫌悪い。as does my grandmother. i guess she thought that my mom thought that she had thrown them out or something. and she takes that out on me.
今日、また冷蔵庫のものを移して電源を切らなければ無かった。移してるときに、私をみて、"手伝わなくても大丈夫だよね。”だって。手伝えよ!信じられない...挙句の果てに、クッキーとかりんとうのお菓子をお母さんがいらなかったら捨てなさいって言ったヤツを自分がとっておいて食べるみたいなこと言ってたのに、さっき、"いらないなら自分で捨てなさい。私はもう自分の物じゃないものを捨てたって言われたくないから"だって。知らんし。自分がとっておいたんでしょ!?自分で処理しろよ!my goodness. what is up with her.
currently listening to: last hug - FUNKY MONKEY BABYS
what happened was this: my mom had bought some almond roca type thing for my grandma before she came and left it in her room. my mom happened to ask today whether she had tried it. でも、ババァは知らんっていう。家中を探しても出てこない。so my mom becomes kind of 機嫌悪い。as does my grandmother. i guess she thought that my mom thought that she had thrown them out or something. and she takes that out on me.
今日、また冷蔵庫のものを移して電源を切らなければ無かった。移してるときに、私をみて、"手伝わなくても大丈夫だよね。”だって。手伝えよ!信じられない...挙句の果てに、クッキーとかりんとうのお菓子をお母さんがいらなかったら捨てなさいって言ったヤツを自分がとっておいて食べるみたいなこと言ってたのに、さっき、"いらないなら自分で捨てなさい。私はもう自分の物じゃないものを捨てたって言われたくないから"だって。知らんし。自分がとっておいたんでしょ!?自分で処理しろよ!my goodness. what is up with her.

でした。goodness. seriously. so much went on today.... very tiring. so, here we go:
i get a phone call at 6 a.m. from the bf because he had just apparently finished work. but i was sleeping. =_= めっちゃビックリした!lol but it was nice to talk to him since i wasn't able to talk to him last night :)
and then, the bf comes over to pick me up at about 9. he's in a pissy mood since he didn't get much sleep. can't really blame him, can you? he got home at around 6, went to sleep, was woken up at around 7 to help with the garage sale happening at his house that day, and then had to take his sister to school. poor guy. :(
after we get to his house, i notice his older sister's over. the bf goes to sleep so i help out around the house while talking to his sister. after about an hour, his sister decides to go shopping because they were going to have guests over later that day. hence, they needed to buy food to feed everyone there. bf も寝てることだし一緒にいくことになった。色々お話できて結構楽しかった。イイ印象を与えるのに結構必死だったかも...あはは。でも、本当に楽しかった。she even asked me to go with her to san diego for labor day weekend with the bf! イイ感じじゃない!?:)
after shopping, we decided to do some cooking. we ended up making some potato salad and salsa. って言っても自分はたまねぎをみじん切りにしただけだけどね。(笑) but hey, it's the 気持ち that counts, right.
after cooking, the bf and i went to pick up his little sister from school. after that, we went to return some videos and i was dropped off at home. after eating lunch,my grandparents, my sister, and i decided to take the bus to anaheim in order to meet up with my mom. first, we took one bus to downtown. next, we were supposed to take the bus from downtown to anaheim but the streets were closed and the place we were supposed to board the bus was cut off... grrrrr... so it took about 20 mins until we could catch the bus to get to anaheim. それまで散々歩かされたし...もうめちゃめちゃ大変だった。まったく予定外。
after we get to anaheim, we head over to our 目的地: 焼肉屋あんじん。we get there a little before 6. but the wait was for 2 hours. :O wth, right?? it's not even 6 yet and we would not be able to eat until about 8. what is that about!? で、結局ラーメン屋の紅龍に行くことにした。残念...ま、最近焼肉結構食べてたからいいけどね。lol :)
the bf's sister and i talked about movies and now, i really want to watch 'tropic thunder'. she said it was really good, so i'm really looking forward to seeing it. i hope we can see it soon. i wanted to watch 'mamma mia' too so maybe, i can watch that too. keeping fingers crossed!!
currently listening to: アゲハ蝶 - ポルノグラフィティ
i get a phone call at 6 a.m. from the bf because he had just apparently finished work. but i was sleeping. =_= めっちゃビックリした!lol but it was nice to talk to him since i wasn't able to talk to him last night :)
and then, the bf comes over to pick me up at about 9. he's in a pissy mood since he didn't get much sleep. can't really blame him, can you? he got home at around 6, went to sleep, was woken up at around 7 to help with the garage sale happening at his house that day, and then had to take his sister to school. poor guy. :(

after we get to his house, i notice his older sister's over. the bf goes to sleep so i help out around the house while talking to his sister. after about an hour, his sister decides to go shopping because they were going to have guests over later that day. hence, they needed to buy food to feed everyone there. bf も寝てることだし一緒にいくことになった。色々お話できて結構楽しかった。イイ印象を与えるのに結構必死だったかも...あはは。でも、本当に楽しかった。she even asked me to go with her to san diego for labor day weekend with the bf! イイ感じじゃない!?:)
after shopping, we decided to do some cooking. we ended up making some potato salad and salsa. って言っても自分はたまねぎをみじん切りにしただけだけどね。(笑) but hey, it's the 気持ち that counts, right.
after cooking, the bf and i went to pick up his little sister from school. after that, we went to return some videos and i was dropped off at home. after eating lunch,my grandparents, my sister, and i decided to take the bus to anaheim in order to meet up with my mom. first, we took one bus to downtown. next, we were supposed to take the bus from downtown to anaheim but the streets were closed and the place we were supposed to board the bus was cut off... grrrrr... so it took about 20 mins until we could catch the bus to get to anaheim. それまで散々歩かされたし...もうめちゃめちゃ大変だった。まったく予定外。

after we get to anaheim, we head over to our 目的地: 焼肉屋あんじん。we get there a little before 6. but the wait was for 2 hours. :O wth, right?? it's not even 6 yet and we would not be able to eat until about 8. what is that about!? で、結局ラーメン屋の紅龍に行くことにした。残念...ま、最近焼肉結構食べてたからいいけどね。lol :)
the bf's sister and i talked about movies and now, i really want to watch 'tropic thunder'. she said it was really good, so i'm really looking forward to seeing it. i hope we can see it soon. i wanted to watch 'mamma mia' too so maybe, i can watch that too. keeping fingers crossed!!
currently listening to: アゲハ蝶 - ポルノグラフィティ
Friday, August 22, 2008
i woke up today at about a little before 7. then, i went to work without eating anything so obviously, i was めっちゃお腹空いた during work. then, our head librarian brought in some baked goods and everyone working was able to get some!! :)
at that point, i realized that my own supervisor does not invite me to those types of things. it was the chinese librarian, Jane, that invited us students to help ourselves to the goodies. what's even better, when i got 2 pieces, like the other student, Jane was like 'take more since there's no one else working.' (at the time, it was just me and another worker). she was so nice she even offered me coffee. but since i don't drink coffee, i politely declined. :) (<- 自分で言うか!?(笑)) でも、おいしかったな~。esp this one bread that had icing on it but also had raisins in it. it was reallyx2 good~~~. あんまり甘くなくてウマかった。今日はちょっと得した気分~。
それで、今日は仕事を早く終わらせました~。結構悩んだけど、早く終わらせていただくことにした。疲れてたし?まぁ、いいっかって感じで。えへへ。だから今日は1時に終わりました。いつもより4時間早く!イェイ!but i don't get to see the bf today so that kinda bites... :( and i just figured out that i have A LOT of time to kill before my mom comes to pick me up to go home. o well. i think imma go watch some maou. and then maybe if i feel like it, i might play some WoW. we'll see about that one. i don't think i'll be able to last very long without the help of the bf. lol. i'm seriously not that great with gaming.
currently listening to: ここにいるよ - SoulJa feat. 青山テルマ
at that point, i realized that my own supervisor does not invite me to those types of things. it was the chinese librarian, Jane, that invited us students to help ourselves to the goodies. what's even better, when i got 2 pieces, like the other student, Jane was like 'take more since there's no one else working.' (at the time, it was just me and another worker). she was so nice she even offered me coffee. but since i don't drink coffee, i politely declined. :) (<- 自分で言うか!?(笑)) でも、おいしかったな~。esp this one bread that had icing on it but also had raisins in it. it was reallyx2 good~~~. あんまり甘くなくてウマかった。今日はちょっと得した気分~。

currently listening to: ここにいるよ - SoulJa feat. 青山テルマ
World of Warcraft
it is currently 8:30 a.m. and i am tired as hell... =_=
why? you may ask. well.... i was up pretty late playing World of Warcraft.
i'm sure everyone has at least heard of this game at least once in their lifetime. so, yesterday, at about 11 p.m. the bf sends me an invite to plat WoW for 10 days for free. and after creating an account and such, we start playing. it was a bit confusing at first but it doesn't seem that bad. for now. but i also don't see what's so great about it... maybe you can tell me. for now, i'll just try the thing until the 10 days are up and see what happens. hopefully, i'll come to see the beauty of it all by then so the bf can feel proud of himself. :P
for the time being, i am just excited about getting a new camera and going to las vegas!!! :)
oh, and on the way to work today, i saw a brand new car parked on the street that was pelted with ice cream. poor car :( couldn't get a picture, which is why i want a camera. but yes, i still can't believe people can be so mean... if that were my car, i would hunt those bastards that did it down and, and, .... tickle them till they cry or something. :P
might post something later today, but for now, bai bai :)
why? you may ask. well.... i was up pretty late playing World of Warcraft.
i'm sure everyone has at least heard of this game at least once in their lifetime. so, yesterday, at about 11 p.m. the bf sends me an invite to plat WoW for 10 days for free. and after creating an account and such, we start playing. it was a bit confusing at first but it doesn't seem that bad. for now. but i also don't see what's so great about it... maybe you can tell me. for now, i'll just try the thing until the 10 days are up and see what happens. hopefully, i'll come to see the beauty of it all by then so the bf can feel proud of himself. :P
for the time being, i am just excited about getting a new camera and going to las vegas!!! :)
oh, and on the way to work today, i saw a brand new car parked on the street that was pelted with ice cream. poor car :( couldn't get a picture, which is why i want a camera. but yes, i still can't believe people can be so mean... if that were my car, i would hunt those bastards that did it down and, and, .... tickle them till they cry or something. :P
might post something later today, but for now, bai bai :)
currently listening to: she will be loved - Maroon5
Thursday, August 21, 2008

i've only watched up to episode 3. (i know, i'm slow)
it's really interesting. you can't tell where the plot is leading to and there are many twists and turns. pretty intense. plus, toma is an イケメン so that's a plus :)
i'm really not sure where this is going to lead to but i am definitely looking forward to the climax!
Code Blue
恋空 and 四つの嘘 are both so-so. 四つの嘘に関しては、まだ何が嘘か分からない。っていうか、i really don't understand the plot all to well... 致命的!?(笑) the other ones, i'm liking so far.
i have so many things to watch, it's not even funny. hoping to get through a lot during my free time in the apartment since i probably won't be able to watch too much when i get home.
las vegas next week!!! excited. the bf can come too :)
currently listening to: truth - 嵐
late new years' resolution?
ok. so, i am officially going to start over on this blog thing. 気分変えて新しいところでやってみる!the new years' resolution being that i will update this thing every day. just try. not will. am i being too negative already? o well...
so, some events this past week worth commemorating. 中央の夏祭りに行ってきたぜ!but i was just basically volunteering... -_- it was still pretty fun though. intense. haha and the kids were cute too :) 後ですごい疲れたけどネ。(笑)
the moment i entered my apartment on tues night, mike screamed "ohayo~" at me. pretty funny if you were there. at the moment, i was too sleepy to laugh. lol man, more like おやすみなさい。
and then yesterday, wednesday, was a reallyx2 long day. work from 7:45 to 5:00. man, that was tiring as heck. after that, i had to walk ALL the way to wilshire and go to wamu as well as uboc. after that, i walked to didi reeses. BEST COOKIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) you should definitely go there if you're in westwood. anyways, on the way there, they had the premiere for "The House Bunny"

there were a lot of people dressed up and standing around so i was wondering what the heck is going on. then i noticed the hot pink stage and such. didn't stick around to watch for the stars coming. not really that interested. haha. sorry.
after i get home, i find out DARCIE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's sleeping over too :) so i get all excited. and then i find out that my lovely boyfriend is also coming over so i get even more excited! :) haha. well, darcie and annie ended up coming a little earlier than bf but they went out to get food so when bf did come, we ended up getting dinner too. MANPUKU JAPANESE BBQ! おいしかった~。でも8時過ぎてたから食べるとふとるっつ~の!lol.
after dinner, we go back to my apartment and buy bf's laptop. we noticed that the estimated shipping date is 09/02/08. :( so, i guess he decided to cancel it??
i dunno...
the bf went home at about 11. i ended up talking with all the roomies+darcie until about a bit after 12 about random things like movies, male nudity in movies (笑), doramas, etc, etc. fun night :)
currently at work. i guess i shouldn't be doing this. haha. whatever. i'll probably think of something random to write about later today. adios for now.
currently listening to: What a feeling - 安室 奈美恵
ok. so, i am officially going to start over on this blog thing. 気分変えて新しいところでやってみる!the new years' resolution being that i will update this thing every day. just try. not will. am i being too negative already? o well...
so, some events this past week worth commemorating. 中央の夏祭りに行ってきたぜ!but i was just basically volunteering... -_- it was still pretty fun though. intense. haha and the kids were cute too :) 後ですごい疲れたけどネ。(笑)
the moment i entered my apartment on tues night, mike screamed "ohayo~" at me. pretty funny if you were there. at the moment, i was too sleepy to laugh. lol man, more like おやすみなさい。
and then yesterday, wednesday, was a reallyx2 long day. work from 7:45 to 5:00. man, that was tiring as heck. after that, i had to walk ALL the way to wilshire and go to wamu as well as uboc. after that, i walked to didi reeses. BEST COOKIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) you should definitely go there if you're in westwood. anyways, on the way there, they had the premiere for "The House Bunny"

there were a lot of people dressed up and standing around so i was wondering what the heck is going on. then i noticed the hot pink stage and such. didn't stick around to watch for the stars coming. not really that interested. haha. sorry.
after i get home, i find out DARCIE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's sleeping over too :) so i get all excited. and then i find out that my lovely boyfriend is also coming over so i get even more excited! :) haha. well, darcie and annie ended up coming a little earlier than bf but they went out to get food so when bf did come, we ended up getting dinner too. MANPUKU JAPANESE BBQ! おいしかった~。でも8時過ぎてたから食べるとふとるっつ~の!lol.
after dinner, we go back to my apartment and buy bf's laptop. we noticed that the estimated shipping date is 09/02/08. :( so, i guess he decided to cancel it??
i dunno...
the bf went home at about 11. i ended up talking with all the roomies+darcie until about a bit after 12 about random things like movies, male nudity in movies (笑), doramas, etc, etc. fun night :)
currently at work. i guess i shouldn't be doing this. haha. whatever. i'll probably think of something random to write about later today. adios for now.
currently listening to: What a feeling - 安室 奈美恵
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