ok. so, i am officially going to start over on this blog thing. 気分変えて新しいところでやってみる!the new years' resolution being that i will update this thing every day. just try. not will. am i being too negative already? o well...
so, some events this past week worth commemorating. 中央の夏祭りに行ってきたぜ!but i was just basically volunteering... -_- it was still pretty fun though. intense. haha and the kids were cute too :) 後ですごい疲れたけどネ。(笑)
the moment i entered my apartment on tues night, mike screamed "ohayo~" at me. pretty funny if you were there. at the moment, i was too sleepy to laugh. lol man, more like おやすみなさい。
and then yesterday, wednesday, was a reallyx2 long day. work from 7:45 to 5:00. man, that was tiring as heck. after that, i had to walk ALL the way to wilshire and go to wamu as well as uboc. after that, i walked to didi reeses. BEST COOKIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) you should definitely go there if you're in westwood. anyways, on the way there, they had the premiere for "The House Bunny"

there were a lot of people dressed up and standing around so i was wondering what the heck is going on. then i noticed the hot pink stage and such. didn't stick around to watch for the stars coming. not really that interested. haha. sorry.
after i get home, i find out DARCIE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's sleeping over too :) so i get all excited. and then i find out that my lovely boyfriend is also coming over so i get even more excited! :) haha. well, darcie and annie ended up coming a little earlier than bf but they went out to get food so when bf did come, we ended up getting dinner too. MANPUKU JAPANESE BBQ! おいしかった~。でも8時過ぎてたから食べるとふとるっつ~の!lol.
after dinner, we go back to my apartment and buy bf's laptop. we noticed that the estimated shipping date is 09/02/08. :( so, i guess he decided to cancel it??
i dunno...
the bf went home at about 11. i ended up talking with all the roomies+darcie until about a bit after 12 about random things like movies, male nudity in movies (笑), doramas, etc, etc. fun night :)
currently at work. i guess i shouldn't be doing this. haha. whatever. i'll probably think of something random to write about later today. adios for now.
currently listening to: What a feeling - 安室 奈美恵
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