Thursday, August 28, 2008


言った方がいいのでしょうか?それとも言わない方がいいのでしょうか?i guess it depends on the situation? but still, it can be very hard. 言わなくてもいいこと言っちゃったり。言わなきゃいけないこと言わなかったり。everything is difficult.

you might be able to tell by now but i had a fight with the bf. we made up already so it's ok. but still... 意見の食い違いとか?色々あって大変です。i know that i am at fault a lot of times. (okay, maybe all the time...) but still... i wish the bf could be a little nicer and supportive. 慰めて欲しいと思うときとか絶対してくれないよね。am i asking for too much? maybe...

i am very わがまま、自分勝手、and overall, a めんどくさい女。lol. 自分でも分かってるつもり。but it's not like it's something you can control.i try. but it doesn't always end up the way i'd like it to. *sigh* why does life have to be so difficult sometimes....

最近はまだましだってね。それほどケンカもなく過ごしてた。the really bad part was during mid-july. that was really bad. i still think that i am not at fault. 女問題でもめてたね。he was seriously excessively texting this one girl. 50+ texts in one day!!!! since when on earth is that normal?? 別に浮気してるって思ってたわけじゃないけど。。。it's really hard to deal with it when we're on a date and his phone continually goes off and he's texting throughout much of the day. しかも、めっちゃくだらない内容だし。意味分からん。ソレが、他の人ともそうだったらまだましかもしれないけど was this one girl that he was always texting with. i really felt like i was sharing my bf with this girl. annoying as heck. いい加減にしてよ!!って感じ?

eventually, he told her that i was uncomfortable with their texting so they stopped. but this was only after we fought like crazy over this. マジ最悪だった。i really had a hard time figuring out why my bf was more supportive of the other girl instead of me. he really did not seem to know what was wrong with what he was doing. でも、イヤなんだからしょうがないじゃん。i think they still chat. which kinda bothers me but not too much. it's probably just because i don't like her too much. :P

でも、信じられないのが、she still had the guts to ask the bf if they could go and hang out together. what!? use some common sense girl!! if i don't like you guys texting each other, what makes you think i'm not going to mind you guys going out together. especially since you almost ruined our relationship. バカじゃないの?? seriously...マジで神経疑うし。本当にあのコ、すきじゃない。

on a lighter note, i am currently starting to watch the first season of "gossip girl". everyone says it's good so i hope it is. :) looking forward to it!

currently listening to: milk tea - 福山雅治

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