i get a phone call at 6 a.m. from the bf because he had just apparently finished work. but i was sleeping. =_= めっちゃビックリした!lol but it was nice to talk to him since i wasn't able to talk to him last night :)
and then, the bf comes over to pick me up at about 9. he's in a pissy mood since he didn't get much sleep. can't really blame him, can you? he got home at around 6, went to sleep, was woken up at around 7 to help with the garage sale happening at his house that day, and then had to take his sister to school. poor guy. :(

after we get to his house, i notice his older sister's over. the bf goes to sleep so i help out around the house while talking to his sister. after about an hour, his sister decides to go shopping because they were going to have guests over later that day. hence, they needed to buy food to feed everyone there. bf も寝てることだし一緒にいくことになった。色々お話できて結構楽しかった。イイ印象を与えるのに結構必死だったかも...あはは。でも、本当に楽しかった。she even asked me to go with her to san diego for labor day weekend with the bf! イイ感じじゃない!?:)
after shopping, we decided to do some cooking. we ended up making some potato salad and salsa. って言っても自分はたまねぎをみじん切りにしただけだけどね。(笑) but hey, it's the 気持ち that counts, right.
after cooking, the bf and i went to pick up his little sister from school. after that, we went to return some videos and i was dropped off at home. after eating lunch,my grandparents, my sister, and i decided to take the bus to anaheim in order to meet up with my mom. first, we took one bus to downtown. next, we were supposed to take the bus from downtown to anaheim but the streets were closed and the place we were supposed to board the bus was cut off... grrrrr... so it took about 20 mins until we could catch the bus to get to anaheim. それまで散々歩かされたし...もうめちゃめちゃ大変だった。まったく予定外。

after we get to anaheim, we head over to our 目的地: 焼肉屋あんじん。we get there a little before 6. but the wait was for 2 hours. :O wth, right?? it's not even 6 yet and we would not be able to eat until about 8. what is that about!? で、結局ラーメン屋の紅龍に行くことにした。残念...ま、最近焼肉結構食べてたからいいけどね。lol :)
the bf's sister and i talked about movies and now, i really want to watch 'tropic thunder'. she said it was really good, so i'm really looking forward to seeing it. i hope we can see it soon. i wanted to watch 'mamma mia' too so maybe, i can watch that too. keeping fingers crossed!!
currently listening to: アゲハ蝶 - ポルノグラフィティ
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