今日は彼のお店訪問に行ってまいりました。it's really far... seriously.... and i have to take the 5 freeway, which really sucks. there are so many drivers and trucks and they suck too.... もう大変。and the roads are really bumpy too. i thought the 10 was bad but the 5 is pretty darn bad too.
で、やっと着いたかと思うと、超治安悪そうなところでした。ま、関係ないからいいけどさ。it's monday so apparently, the store was too busy in the am. so, we were sitting around and i started watching the social network. it's actually really interesting. too bad i couldn't finish it or pay too much attention to it. 何のスイッチが入ったのかは知らないけど、欲情しちゃった彼に流されて私もアッサリ誘惑に負けちゃいました。そんなこんなであまり一緒に過ごせなかったけど、久し振りの二人水入らずって感じでしたね。ま、楽しかったです♪

Currently listening to: Pieces- L'Arc~en~Ciel
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