今朝、ふっと気付いて裏の玄関の方を見たら、ドアが開いていた。my sister leaves before i do, but in this case, it was apparently my grandma that had left it open. either that or she didn't close it properly. anyways, my mom freaked out bc our cats might of gotten out. ウチのお猫君はどうやら、あまりにもミルクが欲しかったため、家に残ってました。食い意地の張ったおデブちゃんです。普段ならお外に出るチャンスを逃すわけもないのがだ、今回はミルクの方が大事だったみたい。
so my mom told me to look for the other cat. 何処探してもお猫ちゃんは見つからず、ぱっと玄関の外を見ると、階段を下りたところで座ってらっしゃいました。she's so adorable. so i called her and she just walks in. nothing to worry about, i guess. she doesn't try to runaway like the other cat.

Currently listening to: LINK - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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