Tuesday, April 19, 2011


この前ものまねの番組を見てたら、スーパールーキー、青木隆治に再会しました。i've known him for a while. i like to watch those kinds of shows so i've seen him a couple of times in the past. but usually, they have makeup and stuff on so it's really hard to tell how they really look. i just remembered that he did an amazing impersonation of hyde. で、見てたら、普通にすっごいカッコいい。hyde様には負けるけど、似た感じのかっこよさ。結構マジ惚れですな。

not only is he hot, but he's talented as heck. ものまねは当然のごとく、歌自体もめっちゃ上手い。もう... ほれてまうやろー!! です。

Currently listening to: 虹 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

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