Tuesday, April 26, 2011


so, i just started working at my new place yesterday. it's eh. i still don't know what to expect yet. でも、みんな感じの良さそうな人だし、悪くないかも?ま、指導してくれる人があまりいないのは困るけど、、、何をどうしたらいいのかわからない。

so, since i'm just a temp still, i don't get parking...? that was not the case back when i initially was told i'd gotten the job. PARKING IS HORRIBLE IN DOWNTOWN!!! どうすんだよー!ugh... so, i've decided to park in little tokyo. で、仕事場まで歩くことに。i was gonna take the bus, but i had a lot of time so i walked. ま、最近は運動不足だったので、ちょうどいいかなと。最近ちょっぴり太り気味ですし?ま、お仕事がんばりまぁす。

Currently listening to: Sunshine Girl - moumoon

Saturday, April 23, 2011


so, i'm done with my old job. well, kinda. i'm still gonna help out for a while. until the end of may to be exact. それはそれでメンドクセェ。だって、新しいところでの勤務を終えてからまた、仕事に行くんだよ!?た~いへん。

but hey, it's extra money. i really need money. especially since i just bought a desktop and my credit card is practically maxed out. lol. i have wayyy too many expenses. ugh. 社会人って大変。

good thing is that i'm finally slowly moving away from my annoying as hell boss.
bad part is that i honestly have no clue what to expect from my new workplace. 不安ですねぇ。随分硬そうなところだからね。well, ready or not, monday is coming up. やってやろうじゃないか!

Currently listening to: EXIT - ポルノグラフィティ

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


この前ものまねの番組を見てたら、スーパールーキー、青木隆治に再会しました。i've known him for a while. i like to watch those kinds of shows so i've seen him a couple of times in the past. but usually, they have makeup and stuff on so it's really hard to tell how they really look. i just remembered that he did an amazing impersonation of hyde. で、見てたら、普通にすっごいカッコいい。hyde様には負けるけど、似た感じのかっこよさ。結構マジ惚れですな。

not only is he hot, but he's talented as heck. ものまねは当然のごとく、歌自体もめっちゃ上手い。もう... ほれてまうやろー!! です。

Currently listening to: 虹 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Monday, April 18, 2011


今日は彼のお店訪問に行ってまいりました。it's really far... seriously.... and i have to take the 5 freeway, which really sucks. there are so many drivers and trucks and they suck too.... もう大変。and the roads are really bumpy too. i thought the 10 was bad but the 5 is pretty darn bad too.

で、やっと着いたかと思うと、超治安悪そうなところでした。ま、関係ないからいいけどさ。it's monday so apparently, the store was too busy in the am. so, we were sitting around and i started watching the social network. it's actually really interesting. too bad i couldn't finish it or pay too much attention to it. 何のスイッチが入ったのかは知らないけど、欲情しちゃった彼に流されて私もアッサリ誘惑に負けちゃいました。そんなこんなであまり一緒に過ごせなかったけど、久し振りの二人水入らずって感じでしたね。ま、楽しかったです♪

Currently listening to: Pieces- L'Arc~en~Ciel

Friday, April 15, 2011


私って相当負けず嫌い。i've known that for a while. i mean, i'd like to think i understand myself somewhat. and i really hate losing.

ま、そんな事を言い出した発端は自分の運転。抜かれそうになると、ムカッときますね。(笑)it's really stupid, i know. it's also a waste of gas. haha. もったいないよね。ガス今高いし。but it really feels good when i'm able to block in an いかにも ricer car. lol. they think they're all cool and shit because they have money to spend on their car. it's just freaking loud and stupid looking most of the time. で、そういうヤツが前に行けないようにするのは面白いね。ま、でも、もうちょっとガスのことを考えておとなしく運転した方がいいかもね。じゃないとそのうち事故るかも!?

Currently listening to: "Good Morning Mr. Hide" - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


面接、見事合格しましたぁ。さて、これからどうしよう。。。 Currently listening to: Fighting Man - NEWS

Thursday, April 7, 2011


今朝、ふっと気付いて裏の玄関の方を見たら、ドアが開いていた。my sister leaves before i do, but in this case, it was apparently my grandma that had left it open. either that or she didn't close it properly. anyways, my mom freaked out bc our cats might of gotten out. ウチのお猫君はどうやら、あまりにもミルクが欲しかったため、家に残ってました。食い意地の張ったおデブちゃんです。普段ならお外に出るチャンスを逃すわけもないのがだ、今回はミルクの方が大事だったみたい。

so my mom told me to look for the other cat. 何処探してもお猫ちゃんは見つからず、ぱっと玄関の外を見ると、階段を下りたところで座ってらっしゃいました。she's so adorable. so i called her and she just walks in. nothing to worry about, i guess. she doesn't try to runaway like the other cat.


Currently listening to: LINK - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Desktop!!

gots my new desktop!! woot! it's a dell studio xps 9100. ちょっぴり高かったけど、ローンで買いました。i think this is my first desktop. there's always been a family computer but i've never had my own desktop. 嬉しいものですね。

my bf said i should've built my own. 出来るわけ無いじゃん...友達に頼めばいいとか言われたけど、そんなお金直ぐには用意できないから結局DELLからローンで買う事に。it's really big. i like it. so excited to have a desktop all to myself!

Currently listening to : Back to December - Taylor Swift

Monday, April 4, 2011


love you muchos baby! <3丸々3年経ったね。長いようでアッという間だね。これからも末永くよろしくね!

Currently listening to: 未来予想図II - DREAMS COME TRUE

Friday, April 1, 2011


今日は面接でした。緊張したぁ。i was the first one there so i wasn't really sure of how many people were gonna show up. but then, another person came and i talked to her and she said that a lot of people applied for the position... -_- そんなに倍率高いのかよ!

so, the interview itself was so so. まぁまぁの手ごたえ。i don't think i was too awkward. でも、日本語だからなぁ。大変でしたね。ニホンゴ、ムヅカシイ。しかも、私って結構人見知りだから、すっごく緊張しましたね。and they kept asking kinda hard questions. like, how do you think you can contribute to the post?? みたいな。仕事内容全然分からないから超適当に答えた。and what do you think you've learned after you started working??とか。知らんし。テキトーに小さい細かいことの大切さとか時間うんたらかんたらとか言った気がする。

overall, it took about 15 minutes or so. dude, i had my car in parking for about 40 minutes and i had to pay like $17... downtown parking is wayyyy tooo expensive... ま、追って連絡しますって言われたから、どうなることやら。終わって、待合室みたいな所に出たら、めっちゃ人いた。こりゃ確かに倍率高いわなって思いましたね。but i would really like a new job... it'll be much better pay than right now.

Currently listening to: GOOD LUCKY!!!! - グッキー