Friday, March 4, 2011


i was soooo busy at work yesterday.... like not even funny busy. そういう時に限って上司は来ないしよ。サイアク。仕事せぇボケっ! i was seriously drained yesterday.
there were piles of different files on my desk and i had to slowly drudge through all of them. it was tiresome as hell. and my boss and my mom were constantly calling me. -__- ウルサイしウザイ。しかも、何気に眠気は襲ってくるし、背中は若干痛いし。お仕事は大変です。社会人マジリスペクト。(笑)

man, i feel like i haven't had fun in ages... my week is usually gone with work and cleaning up the house. (yes, we're still trying to clean the house from the moving) 今週末は母が仕事で家を空ける時間が長いので、ラッキー♪ゆっくりしよ。

Currently listening to: What the Hell - Avril Lavigne

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