almost got into a car accident today... it was seriously really scary. my brakes locked up and everything. ホントに絶対当たるって思っちゃったもん。

i was driving in chinatown when the car in the opposing lane trying to make a left turn starts making the turn. まだ交差点までは余裕があったから、その人が曲がり終えたらそのまままっすぐ行けると思ったの。でも、急に交差点の真ん中で停まったの。i totally freaked and slammed my brakes. even with that, i still had to swerve a little to avoid hitting the car. apparently, the idiot driver decided to turn without checking for pedestrians. で、実際曲がり始めてから歩行者に気付いたみたいね。ばっかじゃねぇの!?最初にちゃんと見ろよ!すっごい迷惑。it's freaking chinatown. how could there not be any pedestrians!? 朝からホントにサイアク。すっごいビビッちゃった。
at least i was able to avoid the accident, right? i mean, even if i did hit him, it wouldn't be my fault, right??
Currently listening to: SPIRAL - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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