apparently, today was the birthday of a friend of my bf's. i'm not that close to him so it's kinda iffy as to whether i consider him a friend or not. anyways, so we decided to go over to his house to celebrate. で、それがなぜか家で料理して、飲んで、ゲームする事だったみたい。ま、別に他は男4人だから、何しようがいいけどさ。
so, apparently they decided to make spaghetti. 殆ど料理経験が無い男どもが3人集うとエライことになりますね。(笑)ま、それをただただ見ていたわたしですが。手伝い気にもなりません。えへへ。
it was just pasta, nothing you can mess up on, so it came out okay. bought way more food then necessary. 馬鹿よね。だから言ったのに。ま、後はそこの家族で味わって下さいみたいな感じになったけど。
we also bought some alcohol. i had one beer. the jamaican one in a funky looking bottle. 何か、いまいち。i really don't like beer too much. especially if its really bitter. 今までで一番よかったのは生のキリンだね。so i had one of that and a cup of uv vodka lemonade with 7up. the vodka wasn't that great but it went pretty well with the 7up. lol.

一応それなりに楽しんでいたのに、母からの電話で家路につくことに。何か、ぜんそくと気管支炎がどうやらとかで。ugh. i swear, she really hates it when i go out... so we had to leave early. sorry guys..
Currently listening to: ALONE EN LA VIDA - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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