Las Vegas!
wow, it's been a while since i posted. haha. well, been busy. went to Las Vegas this week to celebrate the bf's birthday. it was a really hectic schedule and i ended up going about 48 hours on 1.5 hours of sleep. すごいでしょ??自分でもビックリ。i honestly did not think i could do that. i've never pulled an all-nighter before.
楽しかったです!部屋はよかったし、ご飯もおいしかったし、色々遊べたし、何より、親がいなかったし(笑)we gambled a bit. probably lost about a little over $100 together. not bad right? since we're both noobs at gambling, we decided to stay conservative. although the bf insisted on being very conservative which was annoying as hell.
we opened a bottle of champagne at dinner to celebrate the bfs birthday. he didn't seem to like it too much so i ended up drinking almost the entire bottle. おいしかったよ~。寝不足と酔いが回って結構楽しくなっちゃった。えへへ。ま、次の日二日酔いにならなかったから、そんなに呑んでないと思うけど。i mean, its just champagne, right??
we also went to the bfs little sister's graduation. high school. so long ago. haha. 卒業生は皆若かったですね。年を感じちゃいます。man, the place was packed. and the ceremony was quite long, cuz her class was like, 500 people. :O 名前呼ぶのだけで結構時間掛かった。and then afterwards, the little sister wanted to take pictures, which is understandable. でも、、、メッチャ時間掛かった~。どんだけ友達おるねん!寒いし、腹減っとんじゃ!となり、ちょっと苛々。we got ayce korean bbq afterwards so it was all good. hehe.
Currently listening to: O.M.G. feat. Will.I.Am - Usher
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