soooo tired... haha. it's okay tho. i had some fun. but yea, yesterday and today is/was tiring. 昨日は母に散々引きずり回された上、10時までお仕事させられました。god, do i hate making invoices. でも、作らんと金入ってこんしなぁ...難しいとこやで。i guess it wouldn't be as bad if i got paid for it. and my mom weren't so picky about everything i do. そこまで言うなら自分でやれちゅうねん。
anyways, we had to do lots yesterday, after my mom came home. went to AAA to get a lost registration, was told they couldn't do it because it was registered to the company so we went to city hall. at city hall, waited about 10 minutes to be told that the plans for the house (to rebuild after the fire) were STILL not ready but hopefully, it'll be done today. で、その後すぐDMVへ直行。got there at 4:55 and managed to get in line. で、20分ぐらいで終わり。早かった(笑)and then, i get home only to find that the registration wasn't missing. -___- 誰じゃ!!!!! ない言うた人は!!!!ムカっ!やな。

ま、そんなこんなで家の用事を済ませて、彼とお出かけ~。since it was late, we decided to go out for drinks. we had to wake up at 6 this morning but of course, that didn't really stop us :P we invited some other friends and went to BJ's. 結構飲んじゃった。ま、でもそんなに酔っ払ってないけどね。i had 2 strawberry confusion martinis (gooooddd!) and finished of about 2/3 of the bfs snake bite. not much right? but yea, it was fun :)

Currently listening to: 夢のマニュアル - CHERRYBLOSSOM
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