yesterday was the last day of finals for me. so naturally, i went out last night with the bf. while cruising around town, we found an ice skating rink. we thought we might be able to skate (cuz i've been wanting to for a while now) but it was closed to the public. すると、そこで働いてるおじいちゃんが見学する?って中に入れてくれた。そこで練習試合してたのがホッケー。

i'm not an ice hockey person but it was kinda exciting to see it live. i watched 「PRIDE」with 木村拓哉 and it looked really interesting but never had much incentive to watch an actual game. でも、迫力あってすごかった!! 特に印象に残ったのが、目の前をパックが壁伝えに通った時。ドキドキしたぁ~。one of the players was right behind his own goal and had no one to pass it to to get to the other side. so he faces the wall, and before you know it, he slams the puck into the wall. the puck slides accross the surface of the wall and towards the middle of the rink. it was crazy!!! ホントびっくり。
afterwards, we went to eat a bit and drink at furaibo. the bf just turned 21 so this was kinda his pre-birthday dinner. haha. 生二つと主に揚げ物系を何品か頼んだ。やっぱりビールは今一好きじゃないけど、他のお酒は高いから、ビールにした。i'm saving up for vegas. haha. 楽しかった~。お腹は超いっぱいになったけど。
Currently listening to: GLORIA - YUI
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