Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nick and Stef's Steakhouse

so, tonight we finally went out to eat dinner for my mom's birthday. like almost 2 weeks late. and rescheduling about 2 times. -__- stupid mom and her 我儘。ホント、ご飯食べに行くだけでメッチャうざいし。but i get good food so its okay. even tho i have to pay for it.

we decided to eat at Nick and Stef's Steakhouse in downtown. i've been to this place a couple of times before and it's really good :) their dry-aged steaks are deeeelicious. haha. we ordered ceaser salad, everyone got steaks, mashed potatoes, and a bread pudding dessert. すごく美味しかった。量が多すぎて結局皆お持ち帰り。もうちょっと色々食べたかったけど、母がいるし、うるさいからやめた~。また何かの時には行きたいな~。

the bill came out to be a bit under $300 including tip for 4 people. pricey, eh? but its just that good!

Currently listening to: Body feels Exit - 安室奈美恵

Friday, June 25, 2010

New House

today, we met with the construction company to discuss the details of rebuilding our house. the city FINALLY approved the plans for the house so the construction can begin. やっとって感じだよ。時間掛かった~。but we can finally get this all started.

i want something like this :)

looking at the plans, which i haven't seen before, out house is gonna be very different from our old one. my mom decided to remove quite a few of the walls to give the house a more open feel to it. キッチンはオープンキッチンで、リビング、ダイニング、ファミリールームとつながっている。1つのデッカイ部屋みたいになってる。i guess she's giving it a more modern feel too. the outside walls used to be wood but its gonna become stucco. everything is gonna become hardwood flooring, except for the bathrooms.


Currently listening to: 素直になれなくて - 菅原紗由理

Thursday, June 24, 2010

D&B Part 2

last night, i went to Dave & Busters again with the bf and some friends. we were planning on shooting some pool but turned out, there was a waiting list. it was like 10-ish. and they close off the waiting at 11. 4 other groups in front of us. 無理っしょ。どう考えたって。ということで、あきらめました。で、食べることに。(笑)

the bf and i ended up splitting an appetizer and i got a cosmo. おいしかった! the mini burgers and fries that we got were pretty good. but the wings were kinda eh. 酸味がキツくて、辛い。あんまりいい組み合わせではないですね。the total bill came out to about a little under $40 without tip. not bad.
afterwards, we decided to play the games, since there wasn't much else to do. ended up playing a couple ticket games and shooting games. i think i'm starting to like arcade games, especially shooting ones. どんくさいからすぐ死じゃうけどね。でも、楽しい~。

Currently listening to: California Gurls - Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


soooo tired... haha. it's okay tho. i had some fun. but yea, yesterday and today is/was tiring. 昨日は母に散々引きずり回された上、10時までお仕事させられました。god, do i hate making invoices. でも、作らんと金入ってこんしなぁ...難しいとこやで。i guess it wouldn't be as bad if i got paid for it. and my mom weren't so picky about everything i do. そこまで言うなら自分でやれちゅうねん。

anyways, we had to do lots yesterday, after my mom came home. went to AAA to get a lost registration, was told they couldn't do it because it was registered to the company so we went to city hall. at city hall, waited about 10 minutes to be told that the plans for the house (to rebuild after the fire) were STILL not ready but hopefully, it'll be done today. で、その後すぐDMVへ直行。got there at 4:55 and managed to get in line. で、20分ぐらいで終わり。早かった(笑)and then, i get home only to find that the registration wasn't missing. -___- 誰じゃ!!!!! ない言うた人は!!!!ムカっ!やな。
ま、そんなこんなで家の用事を済ませて、彼とお出かけ~。since it was late, we decided to go out for drinks. we had to wake up at 6 this morning but of course, that didn't really stop us :P we invited some other friends and went to BJ's. 結構飲んじゃった。ま、でもそんなに酔っ払ってないけどね。i had 2 strawberry confusion martinis (gooooddd!) and finished of about 2/3 of the bfs snake bite. not much right? but yea, it was fun :)

Currently listening to: 夢のマニュアル - CHERRYBLOSSOM

Friday, June 18, 2010

Empress Pavilion

went to Empress Pavilion in Chinatown tonight for dinner. haven't been here in awhile. 最後に行ったのが、去年かな?maybe its not as good as it used to be (years ago) but seriously, there were not many people there. it's also at the far end of Chinatown so there might not be as much traffic. でも、それにしてもお客がいなさ過ぎ。
the mall it's located in is pretty much dead. a lot of the stores are closed and there are barely any people. either way you fall, the place is pretty much dead.

ま、そんなこんなでお店に入り、注文した。we got their sweet corn and minced chicken soup, deep fried squid with salt pepper, some stirfried veggie thing, sizzling beef in black pepper sauce, and their pan fried chowmein. 全部結構おいしかったです。でも、めちゃウマって程ではなかった。the total bill came out to a bit over $50. thought it was a bit pricey for the quality of the food. oh wells, my mom wanted to eat it.

その後、パサデナ寄ったの。and i got the leonidas cocoa. it's sooooo goooood!! this is a definite recommend! ホントおいしいから是非お試しあれ。

Currently listening to: Diamond - alan

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Las Vegas!

wow, it's been a while since i posted. haha. well, been busy. went to Las Vegas this week to celebrate the bf's birthday. it was a really hectic schedule and i ended up going about 48 hours on 1.5 hours of sleep. すごいでしょ??自分でもビックリ。i honestly did not think i could do that. i've never pulled an all-nighter before.

楽しかったです!部屋はよかったし、ご飯もおいしかったし、色々遊べたし、何より、親がいなかったし(笑)we gambled a bit. probably lost about a little over $100 together. not bad right? since we're both noobs at gambling, we decided to stay conservative. although the bf insisted on being very conservative which was annoying as hell.
we opened a bottle of champagne at dinner to celebrate the bfs birthday. he didn't seem to like it too much so i ended up drinking almost the entire bottle. おいしかったよ~。寝不足と酔いが回って結構楽しくなっちゃった。えへへ。ま、次の日二日酔いにならなかったから、そんなに呑んでないと思うけど。i mean, its just champagne, right??
we also went to the bfs little sister's graduation. high school. so long ago. haha. 卒業生は皆若かったですね。年を感じちゃいます。man, the place was packed. and the ceremony was quite long, cuz her class was like, 500 people. :O 名前呼ぶのだけで結構時間掛かった。and then afterwards, the little sister wanted to take pictures, which is understandable. でも、、、メッチャ時間掛かった~。どんだけ友達おるねん!寒いし、腹減っとんじゃ!となり、ちょっと苛々。we got ayce korean bbq afterwards so it was all good. hehe.

Currently listening to: O.M.G. feat. Will.I.Am - Usher

Sunday, June 13, 2010


got a call all of a sudden today from the roomie. turns out, our friend in norcal, who came down on thursday to attend ucla graduation, is going back tonight. 早いよね?ま、仕事があるからしょうがないみたいなんだけど。so we decide to meet up in the evening to talk before she leaves.
we meet up at half & half and sit down to talk. it was lots of fun. i felt like we were back in high school. we even met more people we know from high school there. i mean, it is a popular tea house in our area but man, there were quite a few familiar faces. haha. 懐かしいね。もうみんなそろそろ大学卒業だからね。やっぱ友達って大切だね。また遊びたいな~。早くまた戻ってきてね。

Currently listening to: ロンリー - 阿部真央

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Din Tai Fung & Golf

今日はものすご~く疲れました。朝6時半に起きて、母の仕事の手伝いで70miles 以上運転した。そんで、その後も小東京に行ったり、姉をBBQに落っことしたりと、運転三昧の一日。久しぶりにいっぱい運転した。i think the last time was when i drove back from san diego. but then, thats a lot more.

で、姉がいないので、母と二人で晩御飯を食べに行きました。we went to din tai fung. 6時前に行ったのに相変わらず混んでました。but we didn't need to wait too long. thank goodness. i haven't eaten here in such a long time, i'd forgotten how deeelicious it was. haha. my mom and i ended up with a bill a bit over $40. :O メッチャ食べてるし...while we did have some togo stuff, it wasn't a lot. 太るわけでわね。


so, in order to work off some of those calories, we decide to go to a golf range. こちらもまた久しぶり。i ended up doing really really well. i am now able to hit a ball without the tee, using a #7 iron and make it fly up. i'm even starting to hit it about 100yards. hehe. 一応結構な上達振りなのです。カコーンとキレイに打てたときは気持ちいいですね~。でも、うまい時と下手な時の差がヒドイ。there were about 2 times where i ended up hitting the wall in front of me... なぜぇぇぇぇぇぇ。

Currently listening to: Love Letter - つるの剛士

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dave & Busters

since i'm completely done with school, (including work) i decided to hang out with the bf and his friends. since he recently became 21, his friends are seizing every opportunity to take him out to drink. 私だって独占したいのに。ばぁか。

ま、そんなこんなで地元に一番近いDave & Busters に行くことに。私も始めて。i've heard lots of good rumors about the place but i've never been. dude, the place is really fun :D my sister had her senior banquet here. lucky.... mine was at a boring restaurant in burbank. haha. 結局、ビリアードとゲームを少々した。we went like 1.5 hours before closing so we didn't have too much time. we all got one alcoholic drink and that was it. i got a white peach sangria. おいしかった。へへ。
で、その後は男子共が腹が減ったからIHOPに。結局自分も食べちゃったけどね。got home around 1:30 so it wasn't too bad. haha. definitely want to go back to D&B so i can play around some more. :)

Currently listening to: Yeah - Usher

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

生Ice Hockey & 風来坊

yesterday was the last day of finals for me. so naturally, i went out last night with the bf. while cruising around town, we found an ice skating rink. we thought we might be able to skate (cuz i've been wanting to for a while now) but it was closed to the public. すると、そこで働いてるおじいちゃんが見学する?って中に入れてくれた。そこで練習試合してたのがホッケー。
i'm not an ice hockey person but it was kinda exciting to see it live. i watched 「PRIDE」with 木村拓哉 and it looked really interesting but never had much incentive to watch an actual game. でも、迫力あってすごかった!! 特に印象に残ったのが、目の前をパックが壁伝えに通った時。ドキドキしたぁ~。one of the players was right behind his own goal and had no one to pass it to to get to the other side. so he faces the wall, and before you know it, he slams the puck into the wall. the puck slides accross the surface of the wall and towards the middle of the rink. it was crazy!!! ホントびっくり。

afterwards, we went to eat a bit and drink at furaibo. the bf just turned 21 so this was kinda his pre-birthday dinner. haha. 生二つと主に揚げ物系を何品か頼んだ。やっぱりビールは今一好きじゃないけど、他のお酒は高いから、ビールにした。i'm saving up for vegas. haha. 楽しかった~。お腹は超いっぱいになったけど。

Currently listening to: GLORIA - YUI

Monday, June 7, 2010

Komodo Part2

last night, the komodo food truck was at the Mayan Theater and since i really wanted those fries again, we decided to hit it up on the way back to my apartment. lol.

this time around, i got their deadly combo (i think that's what its called...) which included 2 tacos, 1 side, and a can of soda. それで、$10.一つ一つの値段を考えたらお徳だね。i decided to try their komodo 2.0 taco and their blazin' shrimp taco. along with that, i got their truffle fries once again.
the komodo 2.0 was okay. i think i'd still pick kogi over that. the shrimp was spicy as heck. びっくりした。めちゃめちゃ辛かった~。涙でたし。again, so so. i still love their truffle fries tho. haha. ま、ちょっと高いから今後はあんまり買わないかな?

Currently listening to: 会いたくて、会いたくて - 西野カナ

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ninja Sushi

my mom's friend owns this restaurant so we went to go eat here today since i absolutely love sushi. 結論:美味しかった。メッチャ。

bad naming sense tho...

everything was really fresh and delicious!! i had their oysters, and they were HUGE! seriously. their fatty salmon sushi was awesome too! コッチで炙りサーモンって中々食べれないからね。貴重でした。and omg, their sea urchin was too great to be true. haha. すっごい甘いの。しかも、特別に大盛りに盛ってくれた!it was freaking crazy.

i definitely want to go back in the near future. haha.

Currently listening to: Evolution - 浜崎あゆみ

R.I.P. John Wooden

this past friday, the legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden passed away at 99 years old. a champion and a legend, he will never be forgotten.

R.I.P. John Wooden

Friday, June 4, 2010


i went to little tokyo at around 8 today to give something to my mom. and then, right in front of honda plaza was the food truck komodo! 長いこと食べてみたいと思ってたんだよね~。ということで、思い切って買ってみました。晩御飯食べた後だったし、現金があまりなかったから、サイドを1つだけ。so i got the truffle fries minus the parmesan for $5.

there was a guy asking for gas money but i didn't have cash so i didn't give him any. if i did, i wouldn't be able to buy my food. i don't think the guy was really asking for gas money tho... でも、本当にいるんだったら誰かあげてくれたかな?悪いことしたかも!?>.<

well, whats over is over. hopefully, the guy got help. anyways, the fries were deeeelicious. 病み付きになりそう。they were the thin fries and the bf said they were a lot like mcdonalds fries. i wouldn't know. but yea, the truffle oil was sooooo good. 幸せ。あのフライはホント好き。ぜひともまた食べたい!

Currently listening to: Get the Party Started - PINK

Thursday, June 3, 2010


sometime last week, (i forget when. it was in class) i saw the movie Babel. wanted to see it for a long time since it was so hyped about when it was released. 見た後の感想は...いいけど、謎が多すぎ。最後の最後で何も分からない。

it takes place in 4 different countries, all related to each other on some level, although it may not be obvious at first. Morroco, Japan, United States, and Mexico. スケールがでかいのは確か。それも加わって本当に結構面白いと思った。the japan part was crazy. 菊池凛子の役柄が何がしたいのか今一わかんなかった。どんだけ欲求不満やねんって感じ。ちょっとウザかったかも。

and seriously, what is up with that ending?? (if you haven't watched the movie, you won't get this) what was written in that letter? what happened to that boy?? his brother??? what about those 2 children in the States???? マジで謎多すぎ。終わりぐらいきちっと終わって欲しい。argh

Currently listening to: New World - w-inds.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


結婚だって!しかも出来婚!ビックリ。って言うか付き合ってることすら知らなかった。lol. interesting the kind of people that get together. 特にあんまり接点なさそうだし。

it's not like i liked either one of them that much so it's not really too important to me. just a bit surprised so decided to post it. haha.

Currently listening to: 関白宣言 - さだまさし