went here tonight with the bf for dinner. we were gonna get boiling crab for dinner but there were wayyyyyy too many people. -____- 結構楽しみにしてたのになぁ。残念。また今度。
ということで。向かう途中で見つけてこのレストランに夕食は決定。since i really like japanese-style pasta, i was really excited. the appetizer and stuff was pretty darn good. i got the sea urchin pasta and gratin set. i didn't think the pasta would be cream but when it came out, it was. -___- しつこすぎて食べきられなかった。途中までは順調だったのにね。でも、数少ない和製パスタ屋さんだから、また行くかも。
the restaurant this plaza was in was a relatively new plaza but it had a lot of interesting shops. there was one clothing store that sold fob style clothing. 結構かわいいのもいくつか。there was also another store that sold random crap from like japan, korea, and china. 彼のお姉さんの誕生日プレゼントをここで購入。そして、なんと、
カラオケ屋とプリクラ屋さんも入ってた~。the place was so asian. haha. overall, a very interesting plaza. :)
Currently listening to: LEVEL5-judgelight- - fripSide
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