tonight, the bf, another friend, and i went out for dinner at "Shinano" in Monterey Park. (it seems like i'm going out a lot with his friends recently...) 念願の和食!でも、残念!あんまり美味しくなかった。esp. for the prices they charger. 高かった!$$$ i got a bit of sushi and dynamite. クオリティーはまずまず。竜田揚げが美味しかった!あはは。
they have ozashiki in the back!
after that, we met up with one more guy and off we went to little tokyo. the bf and i went karaoke while the other two guys went to the arcade. お金がないからカラオケはしないんだって。ま、楽しかったからイイケドね。although my throat was a bit buggy.
afterwards, we headed over to half&half and got some drinks while one of the guys ate since he didn't have dinner yet. 美味しそうだった~。食べたかったけどお腹いっぱいだったからムリ!but i did fill up my stamp card. 早っ!(笑)
later that night, one of the guys started using my bf's car to try to learn manual. it was a bumpy ride! haha. kinda like a thiller coaster at some parts. and man, he kept stalling. 私もまた習いたいな~。随分前に一回習ったきりだからね。その時はまぁまぁだった。でも、一回パニクったら、5回くらい連続でエンストしたっけ?(笑)車壊れちゃうね。

Currently listening to: My Measure - Lecca
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