last friday: 風引いてほとんど一日ベッドで。。。-___- マジ最悪。i think the roomie got me sick, since she was sick at the beginning of the week. being confined to the bed sucks. but all throughout the day, i was thinking of the movie 「猫の恩返し」 that i saw the other day. it was really cute and happy. やっぱジブリやね。もう、ずっっっっっっとつじあよのの曲を鼻歌で歌ってた。

monday: my cousin came from japan :D 夏にあったけど、こっち来るのは久しぶり~。関西やからつられて関西弁連発~。あはは。楽しいわ。やっぱ。at night, we went out to drink at Applebee's with the bf and his friends. i got a martini. 別にあんまりおいしくなかった。もっとおいしいかと思ったからちょっと期待はずれ。

wednesday: we packed up all our stuff and off we went to big bear (sidetrip) and palm desert (main). DUDE, there was freakin' snow!!! haven't seen snow in ages. haha. 山道クネクネ行った甲斐がありました~。and then we got to the hotel at palm desert, the J.W. Marriott. they have this huge lake, on which they give boat tours. according to that, they have 2 huge golf courses, 2 pool areas, a lawn area for activities, a nightclub, 3 renowned restaurants, etc. すごかったよ。they had flamingos and black swans too!! ちょっぴり感動~。

thursday: 朝から最近マイ・ブームのバドミントンを遊んで、その後プール。haven't worn my bathing suit in a while. it felt so nice tho, since its so hot out there in the desert. and then we did some mini golf. ベッタやった。悲しい~。って言うか、悔しい~。and at night, the bf and i went to the jacuzzi. there was someone there already before us, but after a bit, they left. too bad the bf wanted to leave soon after... i wanted to get a little naughty ;) でも、前日に生理始まったからなぁ~。
friday: after checking out, we play a quick round of mini golf and head out. stop by morongo casino, gamble a bit, and swing around to desert hills outlet to do some shopping. めっちゃ買い物した。this day, i got a jacket, beige pants, denim shorts, a top, sandals, and a bag. dude, that's like, an entire set of clothing. lol.私がこんなに買い物するのは珍しいです。当分はいらんな。

Currently listening to: 風になる - つじあやの