finally got internet access! yeay! the new house we moved into as a temp housing while they rebuild my house didn't have internet and ATT was like, 'it'll be monday before you guys have internet'. -_- そんなに時間かかるって知らなかった。but there's still no internet in the house. cuz we don't have the modem. 火事で水浸しになってダメになっちゃった。but ATT wouldn't give us a new one because we're transferring service and not starting a new one. hence, we should still have that old router. ないんだもん。しょうがないじゃんって感じ。so i still have to go buy a router.
so, what's been going on the last couple of days? A LOT! for one, my mom left town to go on her cruise trip. YEAY! 自由がやってきたぜって感じ。i could not wait for her to leave. and she's gone for about 3 weeks so that is awesome! :) so, a story surrounding her leaving: her flight was scheduled for the 21st. but she thought it was the 20th. we didn't figure that out until we got to the check-in counter. 超時間の無駄。空港は遠いのに。。。so, the next day, we leave a bit early to return an item before going to the airport. halfway there, she remembers she forgot her purse with $$ and passports in it at home. so we have to go back. 大丈夫かよ!いくらなんでもミスりすぎ。無駄足ばっか。ホントバカみたい。

on the good side, with her gone, i was finally able to hang out with my japanese buddies yesterday. 女の子3人で喋りまくった。(笑)結構久しぶりだったからメッチャ楽しかった。一番びっくりしたのはやっぱり、婚約したコ。まだまだ結婚は先らしいけど。ま、まだ若いからね。we went out to eat olive gardens. it was my first time. it was decent. not bad. got the endless pasta bowl cuz it was the cheapest. でも、一回もおかわりしなかった。っていうか、最初のを全部終わらせることすらできなかったけどね。食べ過ぎた。

after getting the temp housing, moving was a big pain. there was so much crap cuz my mom bought so much stuff. 今すぐ必要じゃないものも買うから引っ越すとき、荷物がものすごい多かった。また、家ができたときの引越しを考えるとゾッとする。
彼が仕事を始めてからちょっとたつけど、正直結構キツイ。だって、he has no free time at all during the week. so right now, even tho i have a lot of freetime, he doesn't. だから遊べない。仕事だから文句言ったらダメって思っても、ついつい愚痴っちゃうね。だって、学生としては最後の年だから、遊びたい。but he's way too busy. *sigh* i guess i'll just have to get used to it.
Currently listening to: 君の知らない物語 - supercell (good song!)
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