with all these mountain fires going on in socal right now, you've got to admit, fire is scary. i mean, freakin' 1200 acres are burning right now. and very little is contained. このままどこまで燃えるやら...

と、そんな火事を身近に感じることができました。先週、実家が燃えちゃいました。最悪です。pretty much, the only thing that burned was the roof. but the entire house is drenched and the ceiling had collapsed in different places. like my room. where my laptop was. dude, i just bought that thing less than a month ago. 超悲しいです。結構気に入ってたんだけどね。というわけで、今パソコンがないです。
それに加えて、私の自慢の漫画コレクションが台無しです。i had a couple in my apartment and the poolhouse, which was safe, but i had a lot in my room. those are all ruined. it's paper. can't really withstand water, much less fire. which reminds me, my yearbook from high school is in my room...
Currently listening to: サヤエンドウ - NEWS
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