i actually thought it wouldn't be as great the first one but it was actually just as good if not better. but since it was a late night showing, there weren't as mean people in the theater. better for me. but because it's 指定席、there was some stranger sitting right next to me too. -_-
明日は神戸!買い物いくぜ。彼のお土産を探さないと。you wanted some toy that uses usb drive, right? ま、探してみますね。and maybe some clothes too. :)
それと、明日は従兄弟と飲み会~。ちょっと楽しみ♪ だって、全然ゆっくりしゃべれてないからね。久しぶりにいっぱいしゃべれる。なぜか飲むみたいだけどね。
Currently listening to: Don't Say "Lazy" - 桜軽音部
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