「こころの手紙」って言う雑誌に投稿したんだって。家族の誰にも見せてないらしい。なぜ私にだけ見せたのかはちょっと謎。but i literally cried reading it. it was so sad. she was writing about how she misses him and doesn't know why he left. it seemed really intimate and i felt like i was intruding into their personal lives. でも、ちょっとおばあちゃんに対してのイメージが変わった。

hey you. we've known each other for a long time, but we've only been going out for a little over 2 years. 付き合うまでは色々あって、最初は正直戸惑った。貴方は年下だし、経験なんて私よりあったし、最後に傷つくとなったら私かなって思った。だから、今だから言うけど、最初は結構軽い気持ちで付き合い始めた。but now, i can truthfully say that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. you know me even better than myself and have always been there for me, through thick and thin. i know i haven't always been the best girlfriend. でも、貴方はいつもそばに居てくれてわがままを聞いてくれた。ありがとう。この先の長い人生、一緒に過ごせたらいいな。これからもよろしくね。そして、ひとつだけお願いがあります。私より先に死なないでね。突然目の前から居なくならないでね。お願い。
Currently listening to: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
1 comment:
so sweet of you! Thanks for the public letter. I'll just take that as a marriage proposal. lol. Thx again, love you
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