so, instead of sleeping, i spent much of my time during the flight watching the in-flight movies available on my personal tv. i watched a total of 3 movies: 2 japanese, and 1 english. 相棒シリーズ 鑑識・米沢守の事件簿, 涙そうそう, and He's Just Not That into You.元々相棒は好きだから、スピンオフのこの映画も結構面白かったし好きだった。it was a new and different perspective from the regular aibou. 涙そうそうは思ったよりよくなかった。妻夫木聡と長澤まさみが出てたからいいかもって思ってたけど、残念でした。期待しすぎたのかな?plus, i was kinda sleepy. so towards the end, i kinda fell asleep. lol.He's Just Not That Into You was actually pretty good. i never wanted to see it when it came out in the states but since i was bored, i decided to give it a try. very cute. i like how everyone didn't end with a happy ending, like most chick flicks. その点では結構面白かった。 oh! and i definitely want a bf like Niel. 調教しなきゃ。(笑)
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