Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Santa Barbara: Eating and Drinking

went north to santa barbara this MLK Jr. Day. okay, so not so much santa barbara as santa ynez valley. it was more of a wine tasting thing. 初のワインテースティングでしたね。

we first went to foley winery after visiting solvang for a bit. did their wine tasting. honestly, i'm not so sure i actually like wine too much. haha. maybe it's an acquired taste but man, most are just too bitter for me. まだまだお子ちゃまですかね。しかも、すきっ腹に6種類近く違うの飲んだから、結構酔いが回ったしね。

afterwards, we stopped by gainey winery. didn't do a wine tasting but a bit of shopping. and then, it was on to dinner. went to the trattoria grappolo in the area. very shabby looking from the outside. でも、中に入ると結構ちゃんとしたレストラン。しかも、すっごい美味しかった。マジでビックリするぐらい。是非また行きたいですね。飲んで食っての一日でした。

Currently listening to: Set Fire to the Rain - Adele

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