Monday, January 9, 2012


it's definitely been a while since i've been here.... so much has been going on. first of all, happy new year!! 今年も宜しくお願いします!!

so, before the year ended, i went on a san diego vacay with the bf. ま、とは言っても、たかだか1泊だけですがね。でも、楽しかったです。色々歩いて見て回ったり、おしゃべりしたりで、充実した時間がすごせたかな。i really enjoyed myself. i'm hoping the bf did too. haha.

so, on saturday was my friends birthday party and we went out for ayce kbbq in costa mesa. it was okay. not exactly the best. でも、まぁそこそこイケましたね。and then afterwards, i went clubbing for the first time ever! like, omygosh!! right?? lol. なんか、着るものが無くて困りましたね。ま、でも一応そんなに浮かない格好ではあったと思いたい。it was at a club in huntington beach called avec. i actually had fun dancing with my friends and stuff. :) sadly, i didn't get to drink and went home soon after, but it was fun!

and then yesterday, i found myself back in costa mesa again. で、新しくオープンした山田屋というラーメン屋さんに行きました。結構良心的な値段でおいしかった。i got the shoyu tonkotsu and my mom got the tsukemen but i liked the tsukemen better. でも、どっちもおいしかった。

Currently listening to: The One That Got Away - Katy Perry

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