Wednesday, July 27, 2011

EDC Riot?

so, apparently, there was a riot last night in hollywood pertaining to the Electric Daisy Carnival premier. my co-worker was in the midst of it all.

he takes the subway, and he was like, there are so many 'emo' kids and i guess he was wondering why. で、自分と同じ降り口、hollywood & highland で降りたらしい。めっちゃいたんだって。ま、騒ぎにもなるわな。

if you want, here's the link to the article.

Currently listening to: HIDEAWAY - hyde

Monday, July 25, 2011

My 週末

ugh, so the electricty in my room was out this weekend again. so i kinda spent this weekend without internet. 最近は慣れてきたけど。でもやっぱり不便ね。

so, i spent the greater part of my sunday doing yard work. we had to dig out some plants and plant new ones. also had to give feed to the plants. 暑かったから結構大変だったね。でも、いい汗かけましたねぇ。最近運動不足だからちょうどよかったのかも。

went to watch Friends with Benefits. HILARIOUS!! i really liked it. the bf said the storyline is too predictable and played out.... -___- だって、そんなの最初からわかってたことじゃん。題名見ただけで絶対読めたよ、終わり。gosh. i enjoyed it. really funny. but, there was this really old lady next to me, making it kinda awkward. i can bet you she was definitely not part of the target audience. でも、超食い気味で見てた(笑)i would definitely recommend it if you want some laughs.

Currently listening to: Closing Time - Semisonic

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

海の日 Fun!

yesterday, i had a day off from work because it was 海の日. so, i made the bf take a day off too and went on a date :)

楽しかったです♪ first, we went to harajuku crepe in beverly hills. 超超超超うまかった。i got one filled with strawberries and banana with nutella and whipped cream. まじ最高。遠くなければまた行きたい。too bad it is actually kinda far...

and then, off to the century city mall to watch Super 8. good movie. i really liked it. the bf thought the ending was kinda lame, but i think that's probably the best they could do. だって、他にあんまり終わり方ないじゃん?イイと思ったんだけどね。ちょっと色々と大げさなところもありましたが、良かったです。

for dinner, we went to bj's with the guys. i was supposed to go out with some girls from work along with the guys, but the girls bailed, so it was just me and the guys again... -__- 話がつまらんつまらん。だからお前らはモテないんだよ!っていう感じの会話ばっか。ま、慣れてるからいいんだけどさ。it was a really nice day spent with the bf, but i kinda wish we coulda spent more time together. we were both tired so we called it quits a bit early. またやりたいなぁ。

Currently listening to: Endless Story - 伊藤由奈

Monday, July 18, 2011


carmageddon?? what carmageddon??? did people go out at all? i was out and man, it was nice driving :)

ま、工事は早くに終わったみたいだから、良かったですね。but, they had a $300,000 incentive to finish early. o_O いいねぇ。i would finish early too... psh...

Currently listening to: GOOD LUCK MY WAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Benign Positional Vertigo

last night, my mom kept complaining that she wasn't feeling well and like the world was spinning. i had to go to cvs at 11 o'clock at night to get meds for her. 超面倒だったけど、ま、うるさいよりはましかな?so, we got meds but it wasn't helping too much. she complained so much, i actually had to search for a doctor open on saturdays since hers didn't.

そんなこんなで見つけたのが岩田先生。in pasadena. open on saturdays. wonderful reviews on yelp. (lol, yea, yelp) ま、とりあえず、今朝電話して、10時半に診てもらうことに。DAMN! the place was niceeeeeeeee. it has a really relaxing atmosphere with the walls all baby blue and decked out with antique furniture. すごくきれいだった。and the doctor is really nice too. he took time to really explain my mom's disease. it's called benign positional vertigo. apparently, as you age, the lumps of calcium start developing. and when that develops in your ear, バランスを整える三半規管にあたり、目がぐるぐるして、めまいなどが起こるみたい。でも、once all the clumps settle, you're done. らしい。

much much nicer than this

man, he was so nice, i think i want him as my doctor if i ever have to go ;) Dr. Iwata in Pasadena. definite recommend!

Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad Meets Evil

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chinatown Drivers....

no offense to anyone, but they really suck! seriously. i usually go through chinatown on my way to work, but i'm seriously thinking about reconsidering it. 今日でホントに懲りた。遅刻までしちゃったし。ま、たかだか2分だけどね。

so, first there was student driver. :O マヂで。な~んも無いところで急にブレーキ踏み始めて、ほとんど止まる始末に。i'm just like WTF!? it was seriously a straight stretch of road and there was nothing in front of the guy. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN???? こっちは遅刻しそうだから急いでるのに...イライラする。

and then driving along that stretch in chinatown, there were so many slow cars... unbelievable. and the guy in front of me decides to make a right so i change lanes to avoid having to stop. then what does the bastard in front of me in the new lane do?? HE FREAKING BRAKES TOO! WHY???? 意味わかんない。隣が曲がるのにブレーキ踏んでても、こっちには関係ないじゃん。さっさと行けや!!ぶつからへんちゅうねん!阿呆か!grrrrr....

and then, once i'm in downtown, there's freaking road construction and one lane out of two is closed... sooooo much backed up traffic. でも、避けて通れないし。最悪。そんなこんなでちょっぴり遅刻。i'm sure it's not a big deal, but man, soooo annoying...

Currently listening to: 風のしらべ - ベッキー♯♪

Monday, July 11, 2011

Santa Monica

went to santa monica yesterday with the family. GAH! had to wake up early on a sunday. my mom always wakes me up early, regardless of the day of the week. ホントうざい。ま、でもそんなこんなで行きました。the Market opened up in Santa Monica Place so we went poking around there. my mom initially wanted to go to CB2 but they didn't open til 11 so we decided to kill time there. なんか、日本のデパ地下みたく、色々なお店が寄せ集められた感じ。面白かったよ。there was this one italian cheese bar place. they also had hams and stuff and i loooooooooooove hams. especially proscuitto. hehe. で、色々試食して、色々買っちゃいました。we got basil pesto, proscuitto di parma, provolone cheese, and panini bread. yup, that's today's lunch. ahahaha. 楽しみ♪

apparently, CB2 wasn't as great as my mom expected so we were out of santa monica by noon. but i still got my food so all is well. :)

Currently listening to: はだかんぼ - 山下智久

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 4th, etc.

wow, it's been a while since i last posted. there's been a bunch of crap going on. july 4th weekend was heaven and hell. i guess i'll just go in order and kinda recap what's been going on in my life since last weekend. 長くなるぞ...

Friday (7/1) : it was kewl. got to go to dinner with my coworkers. 一人、誕生日だったので、そのお祝い。キヨスズに行ってきました。Nagasu Miraiちゃんのお店。彼女はいなかったけどね。this place is kinda in my neighborhood and i've been to a couple of times. however, it's only decent so until friday, i hadn't really gone recently. 結構混んでました。15分から待って、やっと8人全員座れました。for the price, they give you A LOT. i don't think no one was able to finish their food. except for this one guy. he finished his food and got even more food. everyone was like ・_・ lol 量がハンパなく多かったね。i had to be home by 10 so that sucked, but at least i got to go.

Saturday (7/2) : actually, i don't remember what i did.... oh! i remember. お昼を友達と食べに行けましたぁ。with two of my friends from high school. we just did some catching up and that was fun. afterwards, i had to go shopping with my mom. あんまりショッピングって好きじゃないんだけどね。we ended up going to the century city mall. 水着とドレスとティーシャツを買いました。and then we had yakiniku dinner at Manpuku. これマジうまかった。after that, off to another more local mall. there, i bought a handbag. お金使いまくりですね。

Sunday (7/3) : spend most of this day with the bf. 幸せ~。4年目突入で未だラブラブでっす!えへ。i believe we went to watch the fireworks show in south el monte this night. we went 超ギリギリ but were able to find parking and watch the show. it was a lot shorter than expected but it was fun nonetheless. ま、あのウザイ家からもちょっとの間ながら開放されるしね。楽しいひと時でした♪

Monday (7/4) : mom was in a pissy mood since morning and around lunch, she exploded. got yelled at and whatnot for a while. うざかった。怒られてる理由も今一わかんなかったしね。馬鹿みたい。we were having a bbq but that obviously didn't turn out so well. whatever. i'm really starting to hate her. she does not know how annoying and controlling she is. so, that ended up a nightmare.

Tuesday (7/5) : mom still pissy, so the entire day kinda just sucked... not much really happened.

Wednesday (7/6) : made plans to hang out with my friends again. ま、帰りたくなかったし、ちょうどよかったかもね。残業だって嘘ついて遊びに行きました。tried Golden Deli for the first time. the pho was really good. でも、スープがあまりにも熱すぎて舌をヤケド...残念。and then played wii for a bit. i played something like second opinion? it was a medical game. you become a surgeon or something. my friends were laughing at me while i was trying to save my patients. -__- そのせいで、なかなかうまく行かなかった。ブレちゃ駄目なのに、つられて笑っているせいでもうめちゃくちゃ。but it was an interesting game. all played wii play? bunch of games. it was fun. there was a billiards one in it. i did pretty good :) 日ごろからやったことのある私の方が有利だった見たい。lol. fun night!

Thursday (7/7) : mom isn't so pissy anymore. so, decided to start doing some jogging with her. 久しぶりに結構体動かした。もっとしたかったけど、ついてきた姉が全然駄目だから、断念。これからはもっと走りたいけどね。運動にもなるし、少しはカロリーが消費されるといいな...

so, that's kinda my life for the past week-ish. ups and downs. it was nice cuz i got to spend mucho time with my bf. but, my mom made it hell. 大変でしたね。これでもかってくらいウザくて。well, hopefully, it'll get better....

Currently listening to: The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars